Difficult question. The difficulty is that it uses FLINT matrices.
Otherwise the answer would probably be yes, I think. But I'll check
with Andy Novocin on that. He is more aware of how the performance
will compare for wider classes of problems than the ones we've been
specifically attacking.


On 5 Oct, 12:24, Martin Albrecht <martinralbre...@googlemail.com>
> On Tuesday 05 October 2010, Bill Hart wrote:
> > I also think the bit about Magma using an old fpLLL may be out-of-
> > date. Damien Stehle recently did quite a bit of work for the Magma
> > group. I'm not 100% sure it's been updated in the latest released
> > Magma, but I would be surprised to find it hadn't been.
> > Not to worry though, Damien has been a great source of help and
> > information for Andy Novocin and I as we've been improving our own
> > version of fpLLL in FLINT. My understanding is that for certain
> > problems at least, the FLINT version of fpLLL will be faster again.The
> > developments in LLL are currently pretty hard to keep up with. It's a
> > field that is developing at breakneck pace! I imagine FLINT's version
> > of fpLLL will be completely outdated within 24 hours of release, LOL
> > (yes, we still haven't released it, but we are nearly there)!
> Is your LLL a complete (more or less) drop in replacement for fpLLL? Should we
> use this instead of fpLLL in Sage?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> --
> name: Martin Albrecht
> _pgp:http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
> _otr: 47F43D1A 5D68C36F 468BAEBA 640E8856 D7951CCF
> _www:http://martinralbrecht.wordpress.com/
> _jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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