On 1 December 2010 22:36, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:25 PM, David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
>>> I do think it would be good to start using nosetest
>>> (http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/0.11.2/) to
>>> automatically run all functions that start with "test_" in all files,
>> I suggested 'nose' was added a long time ago
>> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/928632557a8a041c/f8bc25a249ea4483?hl=en&lnk=gst&q=nose#f8bc25a249ea4483
>> the only person to reply (Robert Bradshaw) disagreed.
> Well now that I know nose better, I agree with you.  It's a really
> awesome testing framework.  I use it all the time for my own work now.

It would seem sensible to make it standard in that case. Making it
optional seems a bit less useful to me.

>> Yes, but using examples like
>> sage: taylor(gamma(1/3+x),x,0,3)
>> makes it almost impossible for a referee to check it, as the output is huge.
> I totally agree, and I think that's a very valid criticism for you to
> make as a referee.

The code I was refereeing did *not* add

sage: taylor(gamma(1/3+x),x,0,3)

That was there before

What I queried was the doctest which converted the huge symbolic
result to a much simpler numerical result, which was added in the
ticket in question. (It was added, as the format of Maxima had
changed, so a test was added to see that that the numerical values
were the same, even if the symbolic ones were not).

sage: map(lambda f:f[0].n(), _.coeffs())  # numerical coefficients to
make comparison easier; Maple 12 gives same answer
[2.6789385347..., -8.3905259853..., 26.662447494..., -80.683148377...]

After I asked, the author verified  it in Maple 12, as the doctest
notes. So that probably means Maxima has it right

> But let's not make a new policy out of this.
>> In any case, you stated only a week or so ago that Magma 2.13 is now
>> installed on sage.math
>> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/msg/8e473e24b0e48772?hl=en
> That is a post from 2006?!?

Em, I thought I see the post recently and Googled for it.

>> It's a shame the license of Wolfram Alpha does not allow for testing
>> software like Sage. (This was debated some time ago on sage-devel).
>> Otherwise that would give a nice easy way to verify *some* results.
>> "is 100001 prime"
>> http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=is+100001+prime
> I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly at this point.
> Referees can use wolfram alpha if they want to independently check
> stuff...

Yes,  verifying results is OK.

But storing comments in the source code of Sage containing a large
number of comparisons with Wolfram Alpha may not be. See


where Alex Ghitza pointed out this might breach the terms of use.


> Do you mean adding doctests that call wolframalpha?  That
> would be weird.

No, I was not thinking of that.

>  -- William


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