The #sage-devel IRC channel is not currently registered in anyone's
name on the freenode network (was it ever?), which means that nobody
can obtain operator privileges in it unless everyone leaves, the
channel thus gets purged, and then someone joins it to "found" it

Could some maintainer of this mailing list perhaps take the issue up
with the freenode staff? As far as I am aware, they will often help
you to reclaim an ownerless channel by registering it in your name if
you can provide good reasons why you deserve to own it.

I mention this because the channel topic currently reads "stable:
4.3.1 | dev: 4.3.2.alpha1", which is rather outdated, and to change
the topic one needs operator privileges. At least one visitor to the
channel has been confused by this outdated topic and was trying
install 4.3.1, so I figured it might be a good idea to bring this up.


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