> > I believe there is an emerging discipline of computational
> > mathematics which requires both a deep mathematical background
> > and a deep programming background. Sage could make the claim
> > that it is a good basis for an interdisciplinary degree or
> > even a separate department that provides an equal focus on
> > both subjects. If Sage, with both its mathematical and
> > algorithmic focus, was brought forward to the NSF as a
> > broad-curriculum basis I believe it could be funded as such.
> I think you are right.  Here's a "little lemma" that points in that direction:
> http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1020687&WT.z_pims_id=5741
> and
> http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbuzzard.ups.edu%2Fprivate%2Fnsf-ccli-proposal.pdf&ei=Yh1GTfiTN4n0tgP5pfWOCg&usg=AFQjCNFXFihZ_7BhSIDN2-yH9iUFbm3HDA

This is very interesting but does not differ a lot from the Mathematica
approach. While I was at City College in New York I saw Mathematica
used in many of the ways you are describing, including the inclusion
of textbooks with examples, the MMA website, and in-class examples
that are dynamic.

One suggestion is to expand the proposal into areas that MMA cannot
cover. Everything you've suggested seems to apply to courses in or
near the math department. It might be useful to expand the proposal
to include the cross-discipline work from the computer science point
of view. More work needs to be done to talk about algorithms, their
development, their efficiency, and ways that algorithms can be 
embedded in a mathematical type hierarchy. Textbooks that are 
oriented toward teaching mathematical algorithms in computer science
courses would be valuable. I had a lot of this in my background because
there was no such discipline as computer science; the courses were all
taught by mathematicians. So, naturally, we learned how to program 
using gauss-seidel, method of false position, newton-raphson iterations,
and other strictly mathematical algorithms. All we had was Fortran and
Lisp. They no longer teach such mathematical algorithms in "computer
science". I think that Sage could reach out to the computer science
departments and introduce core Sage algorithms as a good basis for

Optimally, there would be a separate department and degree for
computational mathematics. The subject is deep, wide, vital, and
would clearly represent a separate discipline. CompSci does not
care about the algebraic issues and Math does not care about the
language and embedding issues.

I would expect the NSF to fund this as it sits squarely in the
center of their mandate.

In any case, this Sage effort you suggested above has my endorsement,
for whatever that's worth.

Tim Daly

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