I get the followig failure while building Sage:
g++ -O2 -g -fPIC -pipe -fno-implicit-templates -I. -I../kernel -I/
Users/Shared/sage/sage-4.7.rc1/local/include -I/Users/Shared/sage/
sage-4.7.rc1/local/include -I/Users/Shared/sage/sage-4.7.rc1/local/
include  -DNDEBUG -DOM_NDEBUG -DppcMac_darwin -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c
libtool -dynamic -twolevel_namespace -weak_reference_mismatches weak -
undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module -o libsingular.dylib \
libsingular-tesths.o iparith.o mpsr_Tok.o claptmpl.o \
grammar.o scanner.o attrib.o eigenval_ip.o extra.o fehelp.o feOpt.o
ipassign.o ipconv.o ipid.o iplib.o ipprint.o ipshell.o lists.o sdb.o
fglm.o interpolation.o silink.o subexpr.o janet.o wrapper.o libparse.o
sing_win.o gms.o pcv.o maps_ip.o walk.o walk_ip.o cntrlc.o misc_ip.o
calcSVD.o Minor.o MinorProcessor.o MinorInterface.o  slInit_Static.o
mpsr_Put.o mpsr_PutPoly.o mpsr_GetPoly.o mpsr_sl.o mpsr_Get.o
mpsr_GetMisc.o mpsr_Error.o  ndbm.o sing_dbm.o -lkernel -L../kernel -
L../factory -L../libfac -L/Users/Shared/sage/sage-4.7.rc1/local/lib -
lsingfac -lsingcf -lntl -lreadline -lgmp -lomalloc
ld: for architecture ppc
ld: ../kernel/libkernel.a(matpol.o) has external relocation entries in
non-writable section (__TEXT,__text) for symbols:
libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[3]: *** [libsingular] Error 1
make[2]: *** [libsingular] Error 2
Unable to build Singular.

real    8m16.136s
user    6m40.147s
sys     1m14.908s
sage: An error occurred while installing singular-3-1-1-4.p8

Here are the machine details:

Machine Name:   Power Mac G5
  Machine Model:        PowerMac11,2
  CPU Type:     PowerPC G5 (1.1)
  Number Of CPUs:       2
  CPU Speed:    2.3 GHz

  System Version:       Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S165)
  Kernel Version:       Darwin 8.11.0

XCode 2.4.1
Component versions
Xcode IDE: 762.0
Xcode Core: 762.0
ToolSupport: 764.0

gcc --version
powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc.
build 5367)

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