Le 05/02/2012 14:43, Dima Pasechnik a écrit :
On Sunday, 5 February 2012 21:03:46 UTC+8, Snark wrote:
    (b) 1, 2 and 4 are all the same bug in various disguise : the libc
    lgammal function isn't good enough ;

more precisely, the (e)glibc gamma function is not good. (lgammal isn't
too good either, but it's a different story).
Let me post your link to a good implementation of gamma(), in netbsd's libc:
(and it states the error bounds, by the way!)

(I meant gammal and wrote lgammal indeed)

Yes, the code is wonderful, but isn't for double-precision I think. And there's more ; since I was looking for a good and portable version, I turned to NetBSD ; and since I didn't find exactly what I wanted, I joined #netbsd to discuss, and I learned :

- 4.2BSD introduced the wrongly named gamma function as being the logarithm of the gamma function ;

- in 4.3BSD, it got renamed to lgamma, but gamma was still an alias to it ;

- it's only in 4.4BSD that things were corrected, but NetBSD still uses the 4.3BSD convention, even though they're supposed to be 4.4BSD, see [1] for example (I'm leaving a trail of bug reports everywhere I set a foot these days...)!

- even for the GNU libc, things are muddy, as you can see in [2], where again they mention that gamma is a lgamma!

- in C99, the gamma function is supposed to be named tgamma if I understand well, perhaps precisely because by the above points, the situation is... interesting!

SSSSSSOOOOOOOOO... it seems trying to use "gamma" from a system libc/libm is just asking for pain. Dima proposed on irc to just use gsl, and I would agree:
(1) it's already there and
(2) it will shield sage nicely from what looks like a historical conundrum.

    this is explicit in 1 and 2, and
    implicit in 4 where for floats the computation is by a quotient of
    calls [aside: that is probably a wrong way to do things].

I'm sure there is research done on how to do this numerically in a
proper way...

Well, even without going to the research level, using gamma(x+1)=x*gamma(x) makes it easy to do computations for gamma(a)/gamma(b) with numbers big like |a-b| instead of like max{a,b}. But that's unrelated with that thread and I opened a ticket about it.

    (c) 3 is a different problem, and although "#tol rel" makes it pass the
    tests, the fact that it needs it to pass is bad.

    So my proposition is the following:

    (1) I'll try to fix the implementation of lgammal upstream ;

gammal, and gamma, the first thing, perhaps. Not sure if lgammal can be
fixed easily, actually.

See above : there's courage and there's inconscience. Let's flee!

    (2) I'll try to investigate the maxima string-to-float conversion ;

    (3) the sage developpers should still decide and make public some
    statement as to what they consider a correct numerical approximation,
    because that thread only made obvious that there's a need for a
    reference document.

This is a very good idea. The link to netbsd's implementation show
that's it's doable...

Yes, that code is beautiful, its documentation is beautiful.



[1] http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/lib/libm/src/w_gamma.c?rev=1.11&content-type=text/plain&only_with_tag=MAIN [2] http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Special-Functions.html#Special-Functions

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