I think we may be overlooking a very reasonable option. Python already has
a gamma function in the math module! It is a separate implementation that
does not depend on libc, and it gives reasonable results (though perhaps
not as good as eglibc tgammal() on x86):

sage: max(( abs( RR(math.gamma(float(x))) - x.gamma())/x.gamma().ulp() for
x in (RR.random_element(-171, 171) for _ in xrange(100000)) ))

sage: mean([ abs( RR(math.gamma(float(x))) - x.gamma())/x.gamma().ulp() for
x in (RR.random_element(-171, 171) for _ in xrange(100000)) ])
sage: median([ abs( RR(math.gamma(float(x))) - x.gamma())/x.gamma().ulp()
for x in (RR.random_element(-171, 171) for _ in xrange(100000)) ])
sage: sage: [ZZ(math.gamma(float(n))) == n.gamma() for n in srange(1, 23)]
== [True] * 22

The source code does say:

   In extensive but non-exhaustive
   random tests, this function proved accurate to within <= 10 ulps across
   entire float domain.  Note that accuracy may depend on the quality of the
   system math functions, the pow function in particular.

So if the accuracy of pow() in eglicb relies on long doubles, then there
may be a problem, but maybe it will work well there.

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Jonathan Bober <jwbo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12449
> I'm in the middle of [hopefully] fixing this by calling the gsl gamma
> function. While I'm at it, I'll also make the evaluation on basic types
> much faster, as it shouldn't go though Ginac. (Actually, I've already
> mostly written a fix. I opened the ticket and wrote this email while
> running 'make ptestlong'.)
> Have you actually checked the gsl implementation on ARM? For me it at
> least satisfies
> sage: [ZZ(sage.gsl.special_functions.gamma(n)) == n.gamma() for n in
> srange(1, 23)] == [True] * 22
>         True
> (Unfortunately, I just wrote that sage.gsl.special_functions.gamma().
> There is no high level interface for you to immediately check if it gives
> the right answer.)
> -----
> Never mind all that: the gsl implementation is not very good at all,
> whereas the libc implementation on my machine seems quite good. Old (libc):
> sage: gamma(1.23).str(base=2)
> '0.11101001001001110011101011110010110010101100101100001'
> sage: RR(gamma(1.23r)).str(base=2)
> '0.11101001001001110011101011110010110010101100101100001'
> gsl:
> sage: RR(gamma(1.23r)).str(base=2)
> '0.11101001001001110011101011100000000000111110110111001'
> look at all the wrong digits! In my testing, gsl_gamma() has a typical
> error of around 1e-8 on random input between 1 and 2, the tgammal() rounded
> to double precision has a typical error of 0 (compared to the correctly
> rounded value from mpfr).
> What do you get on ARM if you do something like
> sage: for n in range(100):
> ....:     x = RR.random_element(1, 2)
> ....:     print abs(RR(gamma(float(x))) - x.gamma())
> ....:
> ?

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