Simon King <> writes:
> If there even is an Emacs mode to work with Gmane, then I wonder:
> Wouldn't the possibility to read and write the Sage-related groups be
> an ideal addition to the Sage notebook? The html editor in the Sage
> notebook certainly works better than what I have experienced with the
> new google groups yesterday.

Gnus is not an Emacs mode to work with Gmane - it's a newsreader, which
uses the NNTP protocol to communicate with newsgroups_. Gmane is a
service which archives mailing lists and then presents an NNTP interface
to them which imitates a newsgroup. Thus you can read "articles" and
send "followup articles" back to the newsgroup, which is the newsgroups
analogue of what in mailing lists is called reading "emails" and sending
"replies", and Gmane translates between the former and the latter

Actually both email and newsgroup articles use the same file format -
plaintext, starts with several lines of the form "Header-Name: header
value", ends with (mostly) freeform lines called the "body", into which
you can encode non-plaintext data using Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME). So the analogy between newsgroups and mailing lists
is not very forced.

Mailing lists are basically just newsgroups in which every article is
forcibly sent to all "subscribers", rather than having a centralized
NNTP server to which people can connect and read articles of their
choosing. Gmane corrects this deficiency :) Then again, some would say
so does Google Groups, in a different, more "modern" way (with an AJAXy
centralized web interface).

Anyway, reimplementing such functionality in the Sage notebook would be
highly nontrivial, at least the reading part. If you just want an email
*sender*, then you already have that - type "email?" in a Sage prompt
(or the notebook). OK, it's not super polished, and doesn't integrate
with the HTML editor in the notebook (TinyMCE), but I think HTML emails
are generally pretty unnecessary, and in fact undesirable, for this and
other Sage lists.

.. _newsgroups:


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