
As you know, I have done a lot of thinking about interactive math editors, and when I estimate how long it would take me to write what I consider a descent editor, it is on the order of a month and a half to two months of full-time work. You would need someone with experience in object-oriented programming, and cross-browser javascript coding (particularly familiar with event handling). As you know, I had a student work on this in the past, and we spend a full year on it and still didn't have a finished product. I do not know the student who has proposed the project, so I can't tell you if he or she can accomplish the task, but my experience is that this is not a summer project for most students. Having an almost-but-not-quite-finished, or worse yet, a buggy editor will be worse than having none at all. This is also something that will need support into the future (especially as new versions of browsers come out, since this is closely tied to one of the more touchy aspects of javascript -- event handling), so I am a bit concerned about the code being written and then slowly degrading over time. As for mentoring the project, I'm afraid that I am already booked up this summer and could not in good conscience take on advising a student on a project of this magnitude.

I know that none of that is what you wanted to hear, but that is my opinion. On the other hand, it is still something I would be interested in working on. If you have some cash to throw at it, we should talk. :-)


On Mar 19, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

On 3/18/12 4:14 PM, Yukun wrote:
   That ticket pretty much covers what I want to implement; do you
   think that is suitable for a GSoC project?

My guess is that a good javascript equation editor would be a good project. I'd suggest asking Davide Cervone if he would mentor the project. As the ticket points out, Davide wrote Mathjax keeping in mind the things needed for an equation editor. Davide had a student that worked on an equation editor at one point.

Davide: Sage has been accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code program. A student asked about doing a Google Summer of Code project implementing a javascript equation editor [1], like http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/talks/2006-12-08.IMA/editor.html (at least, that's what I think the student is talking about). Can you give us an idea of how much work it would be, and what level of experience is necessary to do such a thing over a summer? Also, would you possibly be willing to mentor such a project in the summer if a well-qualified student applied?




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