On Mar 23, 1:06 am, rjf <fate...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I assume the idea is to use selecting from menus/palettes, since that
> is the
> alternative to keyboard input in Mathematica.
> I know of no evidence that this makes it easier (or faster) to input
> long and
> complicated expressions. Do you?

Maple made a big point of something similar a few years back with the
addition of lots of contextualized stuff.  My sense from a lot of
student interaction on this is that palettes make it easier to get
started, because one is already familiar with the visual form of the
formulas, as opposed to the somewhat steep LaTeX (or other) learning
curve.  My feedback has also been that once people realize that LaTeX
is not really that hard, they totally abandon things like the MS
Equation Editor.  But you have to have the need/desire to actually do
enough formulas to make that worthwhile.  I don't see why having an
optional palette in the notebook would be a problem, from that
standpoint.  Whether it would be really effective is a separate

> Studying how to use the mathinput panel (free, in windows) as a
> handwriting front-end to
> Sage could be done, though I think handwriting, suffers from "demo"
> syndrome.  Easy
> to build a demo, impossible to deploy for real.  Or to use spoken
> input, which is, I think
> more promising.

Probably, and it would be cool.  Does anyone know what e.g. Dragon
does for equations, if anything?  Can Siri handle formula input?  Just

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