Le vendredi 21 juin 2013 07:00:54 UTC+2, rjf a écrit :

> Yes, I wrote radcan.  The full source of it is available. I think it is in 
> file rat3e.lisp. Look for
> (defun $radcan
> or perhaps (defmfun $radcan
> I think that if you wish to modify it to make a function with another 
> name, you will first
> have to specify what that function should do.  It can then be read in to 
> the maxima
> image.   (you can presumably prod maxima to do so by having it execute
> "load("yourfilename.lisp") "     from Sage).
> Radcan was written sometime before 1971.  Other people have thought about
> what might be "better" for 40+  years.  If you come up with a truly 100%
> satisfactory replacement, more power to you. ")
Thanks for your answer. 
I will have to remember my lisp courses then...
Meanwhile, I've written the following workaround in python: basically, it 
scans all the sqrt's in a given symbolic expression, send them to radcan, 
takes the absolute value of the output and then calls simplify(). It is not 
optimal but it works:

        sage: assume(x<0)      
        sage: simplify_sqrt_real( sqrt(x^2) )
        sage: simplify_sqrt_real( sqrt(x^2-2*x+1) )
        -x + 1
        sage: simplify_sqrt_real( sqrt(x^2) + sqrt(x^2-2*x+1) )
        -2*x + 1

Here is the source code:

def simplify_sqrt_real(expr):
    Simplify sqrt in symbolic expressions in the real domain.
    Simplifications of basic expressions::
        sage: assume(x<0)      
        sage: simplify_sqrt_real( sqrt(x^2) )
        sage: simplify_sqrt_real( sqrt(x^2-2*x+1) )
        -x + 1
        sage: simplify_sqrt_real( sqrt(x^2) + sqrt(x^2-2*x+1) )
        -2*x + 1

    from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
    from sage.calculus.calculus import maxima
    # 1/ Search for the sqrt's in expr
    sexpr = str(expr)
    if 'sqrt(' not in sexpr:  # no sqrt to simplify
        return expr
    pos_sqrts = []   # positions of the sqrt's in sexpr
    the_sqrts = []   # the sqrt sub-expressions in sexpr
    for pos in range(len(sexpr)):
        if sexpr[pos:pos+5] == 'sqrt(':
            parenth = 1
            scan = pos+5
            while parenth != 0:
                if sexpr[scan] == '(': parenth += 1
                if sexpr[scan] == ')': parenth -= 1
                scan += 1 
            the_sqrts.append( sexpr[pos:scan] )
    # 2/ Simplifications of the sqrt's
    new_expr = ""    # will contain the result
    pos0 = 0
    for i, pos in enumerate(pos_sqrts):
        # radcan is called on each sqrt:
        x = SR(the_sqrts[i])
        simpl = SR(x._maxima_().radcan())
        # the absolute value of radcan's output is taken, the call to 
        # taking into account possible assumptions regarding the sign of 
        new_expr += sexpr[pos0:pos] + '(' + str(abs(simpl).simplify()) + ')'
        pos0 = pos + len(the_sqrts[i])
    new_expr += sexpr[pos0:]
    return SR(new_expr)

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