On Sunday, December 29, 2013 1:30:33 AM UTC-8, Nils Bruin wrote:

> The strace log directory sits in:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/nbruin/strace.tgz

More specifically, I think the python process experiencing the error is 
31307 and the singular process it is communicating with is  31312. You can 
compare it with (python) 31305 communicating with (singular) 31308. 

Meld is able to find sufficient similarities to easily compare the files. 
The bottom of log.31312 gives an indication: For some reason 31307 sends 
"type(sage698);" to singular where 31305 sends some other string, and the 
result of "type(sage698)" seems to quickly lead to problems. It may well be 
that the error happens earlier already, because I don't see why 31307 and 
31305 decide to do different things.

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