On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:36 PM, rjf <fate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, August 3, 2014 10:11:57 PM UTC-7, William wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 11:16 PM, rjf <fat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:23:03 PM UTC-7, William wrote:
>> >> [1] http://maxima.sourceforge.net/docs/manual/en/maxima_29.html
>> >>
>> >> > Perhaps Axiom and Fricas have such odd Taylor series objects;  they
>> >> > don't
>> >> > seem to be
>> >> > something that comes up much, and I would expect they have some
>> >> > uncomfortable
>> >> > properties.
>> >>
>> >> They do come up frequently in algebraic geometry, number theory,
>> >> representation theory, combinatorics, coding theory and many other
>> >> areas of pure and applied mathematics.
>> >
>> >
>> >    You can say
>> > whatever you want about some made-up computational problems
>> > in  "pure mathematics" but I think you are just bluffing regarding
>> > applications.
>> Let me get this straight -- you honestly thinking I'm bluffing regarding
>> applications of:
>>      "power series in one variable over a finite field"
> Yes.
> I read your statement above to say, among other things, that
> {such odd power series objects} come up frequently in ... many area of ...
> applied mathematics.
>> Are you seriously claiming that "power series over a finite field" have no
>> applications?
> I can imagine you could invent an "application", so I would not say  these
> objects
> have "no applications".    I can even invent one application for you.  The
> application is
> "show a structure that can be created by a computer program that consists of
> a power
> series etc etc."   This sort of smacks of the self referentiality that comes
> from answering
> the command:
> Use X in a sentence.
> by the response
> "Use X in a sentence.
>> >> > Note that even adding  5 mod 13   and the integer 10  is potentially
>> >> > uncomfortable,
>> >>
>> >> sage: a = Mod(5,13); a
>> >> 5
>> >> sage: parent(a)
>> >> Ring of integers modulo 13
>> >> sage: type(a)
>> >> <type 'sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int'>
>> >> sage: a + 10
>> >> 2
>> >> sage: parent(a+10)
>> >> Ring of integers modulo 13
>> >>
>> >> That was really comfortable.
>> >
>> >
>> > Unfortunately, it   (a) looks uncomfortable, and (b) got the answer
>> > wrong.
>> >
>> > The sum of 5 mod13 and 10  is 15, not 2.
>> >
>> > The calculation  (( 5 mod 13)+10) mod 13 is 2.
>> >
>> > Note that the use of mod in the line above, twice, means different
>> > things.
>> > One is a tag on the number 5 and the second is an operation akin to
>> > remainder.
>> The answer from Sage is correct, and your remarks to the contrary are just
>> typical of rather shallow understanding of mathematics.
> Are you familiar with TeX's   \bmod ?
> It is possible to define anything that comes from Sage as correct.
> Mathematica does that kind of thing often, declaring its reported bugs to be
> features.  Sometimes
> I agree, sometimes not.
>> >>   It's basically the same in Magma and
>> >> GAP.   In PARI it's equally comfortable.
>> >>
>> >> ? Mod(5,13)+10
>> >> %2 = Mod(2, 13)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > and the rather common operation of Hensel lifting requires doing
>> >> > arithmetic
>> >> > in a combination
>> >> > of fields (or rings) of different related sizes.
>> >
>> >
>> > If you knew about Hensel lifting, I would think that you would comment
>> > here,
>> > and that
>> > you also would know why 15 rather than 2 might be the useful answer.
>> The answer output by Pari is neither 15 nor 2.  It is "Mod(2, 13)".
> Well, if you simply insist that arithmetic requires the conversion of 10 to
> a number in Z_13,
> then that answer is OK.
>> > coercing the integer 10  into   something like 10 mod 13   or  perhaps
>> > -3
>> > mod 13 is
>> > a choice, probably the wrong one.
>> It is a completely canonical choice, and the only possible sensible one to
>> make in this situation.
> Which one, -3 or 10?
> They can't both be canonical.

Yes, they can "both" be canonical: they are equal (as elements of
Z/13Z). There is the choice of internal representation, and what
string to use when displaying them to the user, but that doesn't
affect its canonicity as a mathematical object.

>>  That's why every single math software system with any real algebraic
>> sophistication has made this (same) choice.
> I think the issue  comes up as to the definition of a system with "real
> algebraic sophistication"  and for that
> matter, whether you are familiar with all of them.
> While you are probably aware that I am not a big fan of Mathematica, it is
> quite popular.  This is what it
> has in its documentation.
> Modulus->n
> is an option that can be given in certain algebraic functions to specify
> that integers should be treated modulo n.
> It seems that Mathematica does not have built-in functionality to manipulate
> objects such as Mod(2,13) .

Nope. Or function fields. Or p-adics. Let alone more complicated
objects like points on algebraic varieties.

> In fact, your whole premise seems to be that mathematically sophisticated
> <whatever>  must be based on
> some notion of strongly-typed hierarchical  mathematical categories, an idea
> that has proven unpopular
> with users, even if it has seemed to system builders, repeatedly and
> apparently incorrectly, as the golden fleece,
> the universal solvent, etc.
> I think the historical record shows not only the marketing failure of Axiom,
> but also mod Reduce, and some subsystem
> written in Maple.  Also the Newspeak system of a PhD student of mine,
> previously mentioned.
> Now you may think that (for example) Magma is just what you? the world?
> needs (except only that it is not free).
> That does not mean it should be used for scientific computing.

I can just see you sitting there wondering why Sage hasn't died the
tragic death your crystal ball said it would ages ago...

>> > presumably one could promote your variable a to have a value in Z and do
>> > the addition again. Whether comfortably or not.
>> sage: a = Mod(5,13); a
>> 5
>> sage: a + 10
>> 2
>> sage: b = a.lift(); parent(b)
>> Integer Ring
>> sage: b + 10
>> 15
> Thanks.  Can the lifting be done to another computational structure, say
> modulo 13^(2^n)?


sage: b = Integers(13^1024)(a); b
sage: b^(4*13^1023)

>> >> There are many 1's.
>> >
>> >
>> > that's a choice;  it may make good sense if you are dealing with a raft
>> > of
>> > algebraic structures
>> > with various identities.
>> We are.
>> > I'm not convinced it is a good choice if you are dealing with the bulk
>> > of
>> > applied analysis and
>> > scientific computing applications amenable to symbolic manipulation.
>> Sage is definitely not only dealing with the that.
> Actually, I expect that Sage, as a front end to several systems, does not
> adequately
> "deal" with ideas like "1".  Which might be used in any number of the
> subsystems
> for concepts like matrix identity under multiplication.  Or a power series,
> or a polynomial...
>> >> It's not what Sage does.  Robert wrote the wrong thing (though his
>> >> "see above" means he just got his words confused).
>> >> In Sage, one converts the rational to the parent ring of the float,
>> >> since that has lower precision.
>> >
>> >
>> > It seems like your understanding of "precision" is more than a little
>> > fuzzy.
>> > You would not be alone in that, but writing programs for other people to
>> > use sometimes means you need to know enough more to keep from
>> > offering them holes to fall into.
>> >
>> > Also, as you know (machine)  floats don't form a ring.
>> >
>> > Also, as you know some rationals cannot be converted to machine floats.
>> >
>> > ( or do you mean software floats with an unbounded exponent?
>> > Since these are roughly the same as rationals with power-of-two
>> > denominators
>> > / multipliers).
>> Yes, Sage uses http://www.mpfr.org/
> While that solves the problem of overflow or underflow, it still does not
> allow
> the representation of 1/3  as a (binary radix) float of some finite
> precision.
>> > What is the precision of the parent ring of a float??  Rings with
>> > precision???
>> sage: R = parent(1.399390283048203480923490234092043820348); R
>> Real Field with 133 bits of precision
>> sage: R.precision()
>> 133
> I'm confused here.  Are you now saying R is a Field?  Is a Real Field a kind
> of
> Field?  Is there a multiplicative inverse in R for the object 3.0 ?  Or is a
> Real Field
> like a "Dutch Oven"   which is actually not an oven, but a pot?

R is a (very well studied) approximation to a field.

>> >> sage: 1.3 + 2/3
>> >> 1.96666666666667
>> >
>> >
>> > arguably, this is wrong.
>> >
>> > 1.3, if we presume this is a machine double-float in IEEE form, is
>> > about
>> > 1.300000000000000044408920985006261616945266723633....
>> > or EXACTLY
>> > 5854679515581645 / 4503599627370496
>> >
>> > note that the denominator is 2^52.
>> >
>> > adding 2/3 to that gives
>> >
>> > 26571237801485927 / 13510798882111488
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > which can be written
>> > 1.9666666666666667110755876516729282836119333903...
>> >
>> > So you can either do "mathematical addition" by default or do
>> > "addition yada yada".
>> >
>> In Sage both operands are first converted to a common structure in which
>> the operation can be performed, and then the operation is performed.
> Well, there are a large number of common structures.
> One that gets the exact answer is  to convert to arbitrary-precision
> rationals.
> One that does not always get the exact answer is some kind of floating-point
> representation.

It is more conservative to convert operands to the domain with less
precision. We consider the rationals to have infinite precision, our
real "fields" a specified have finite precision. This lower precision
is represented in the output, similar to how significant figures are
used in any other scientific endeavor.

This is similar to 10 + (5 mod 13), where the right hand side has
"less precision" (in particular there's a canonical map one way, many
choices of lift the other.

Also, when a user writes 1.3, they are more likely to mean 13/10 than
5854679515581645 / 4503599627370496, but by expressing it in decimal
form they are asking for a floating point approximation. Note that
real literals are handled specially to allow immediate conversion to a
higher-precision parent.

sage: QQ(1.3)
sage: (1.3).exact_rational()
sage: a = RealField(200)(1.3); a
sage: a.exact_rational()

> It is of course possible to convert these object to (say) polynomials or
> Taylor series..
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Systematically, throughout the system we coerce from higher precision
>> >> (more info) naturally to lower precision.  Another example is
>> >>
>> >>      Z   ---> Z/13Z
>> >>
>> >> If you add an exact integer ("high precision") to a number mod 13
>> >> ("less information"), you get a number mod 13 (as above).
>> >
>> >
>> > This is a choice but it is hardly defensible.
>> > Here is an extremely accurate number 0.5
>> > even though it can be represented in low precision, if I tell you it is
>> > accurate to 100 decimal digits, that is independent of its
>> > representation.
>> >
>> > If I write only 0.5,  does that mean that 0.5+0.04   = 0.5?  by your
>> > rule of
>> > precision, the answer can only have 2 digits, the precision of 0.5, and
>> > so
>> > correctly rounded,
>> > the answer is 0.5.  Tada.  [Seriously, some people do something very
>> > close
>> > to this.
>> > Wolfram's Mathematica, using software floats. One of the easy ways of
>> > mocking it.]
>> The string representation of a number in Sage is not the same thing as
>> that number.
> I think that is kind of taken for granted as the relationship between
> input/output forms
> and whatever is in the computer.  Electrons.  And even those are not the
> abstraction
> "number".
>>    Here's an example of how to make the image of 1/2, but stored with very
>> few bits of precision, then add 0.04 to it:
>> sage: RealField(2)(0.5) + 0.04
>> 0.50
> Hm.  Can one change the meaning of  "+"   so that returns  0.54?
> What is the abstraction behind 0.04 ?   RealField(n)(0.04)   for some
> integer n?

Yep, RealField(53)(0.04), which is a bit arbitrary.

> And is there a difference between 0.10  and
> 0.1000000000000000000000000000000000


sage: a = 0.1000000000000000000000000000000000
sage: a.precision()

> (There is a difference in Mathematica.  Mathematica claims to be the best
> system for scientific computing. :)

Few systems don't make that claim about themselves :).

>> If one needs more precision tracking regarding exactly what happens when
>> doing arithmetic (and using functions) with real or complex numbers, Sage
>> also have efficient interval arithmetic, based on, e.g.,
>> http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/mpfi/.
> I think that mpfi is probably a fine interval arithmetic package, but I
> think it
> is not doing precision tracking, really. It's doing reliable (if
> pessimistic)
> arithmetic.
>> >
>> > I think that numbers mod 13  are perfectly precise, and have full
>> > information.
>> >
>> > Now if you were representing integers modulo some huge modulus as
>> > nearby floating-point numbers, I guess you would lose some information.
>> >
>> > There is an excellent survey on What Every Computer Scientist Should
>> > Know
>> > About Floating Point...
>> > by David Goldberg.    easily found via Google.
>> >
>> > I recommend it, often.
>> Paul Zimmerman writes many useful things about what mathematicians should
>> know about floating point -- http://www.loria.fr/~zimmerma/papers/.
> I have enjoyed reading some of Zimmerman's papers, and he and his authors
> have
> said many interesting things. The Goldberg article tries to dispel commonly
> held
> myths about machine floating-point arithmetic.  Myths often held by computer
> programmers and of course mathematicians. Zimmerman has addressed many
> fun problems in clever ways.
> Inventing fast methods is fun, although (my opinion)  multiplying integers
> of astronomical size is hardly
> mainstream scientific computing.
> Not to say that someone might claim that
> this problem occurs frequently in many computations in pure and applied
> mathematics...

I've personally "applied" multiplying astronomically sized before
(thought the result itself is squarely in the domain of pure math):

- Robert

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