On 27 Aug 2014 02:13, "Bill Hart" <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> The biggest problem by far is the upstream projects who do not accept
patches into their repositories to support Windows, and aren't willing to
make the changes to their codebase to support Windows 64. Nor do they
continue to maintain the ports once it is done.

I can't say I have ever looked at it, but if true it is an odd attitude.  I
found *generally* that upstream projects were happy to take Solaris
patches.  A patch I made for GSL to run on AIX was accepted upstream.

I an no fan of Windows,  but with so many programs only working on Windows,
or tested more on Windows,  I see it as a necessary evil.

> This attitude in the Open Source community to Windows 64 really bugs me.
It's a decade old technology, and not going anywhere.

Lots of open source programs run on Windows, and with Windows being more
and more 64 bit,  they will either have to adapt or

> A port of Sage to Windows 64 is probably not a viable project. It would
take years of effort by numerous individuals to accomplish. And it would
bitrot before it was even completed. But the fact that it isn't viable
right now doesn't mean that upstream projects shouldn't support Windows 64
so that if Sage ever wants to do such a port, it would be possible.
> Five projects Sage doesn't have to worry about are:
> * flint
> * gmp/mpir
> * mpfr
> * gmp-ecm
> * GNU Scientific library

Maxima has a native Windows application,  so that would work too. Maxims
uses ECL which is very portable.

Unfortunately, I don't think Maxima has a library interface, do once that
is added, any attempt to make a more consistent user interface would be

> I understand that Sage uses things like Lisp, Java, Python, Cython, etc.
So the above doesn't help much with Sage overall. But perhaps it will help
raise awareness for projects that are using C and assembly only.
> Bill.

Call it "Mini Sage", foobar or something else, it appears to me a
significant subset of Sage could be built into a native application.

If Qt was used to build it, the application would run on an iPhone too.

Anyway,  it was just an idea I had.


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