> > It would be interesting to do a query against how many "minor" ones were 
> > created by the same people... I was expecting fewer (there are about 800 
> > currently open), but perhaps more recently people have gotten better 
> about 
> > this?  Still, there is very little triage - it mostly follows "scratch 
> your 
> > itch". 
> Just to add to that, what Karl is describing is just the sort of 
> steady state.  In the *past*, we have done massively more.  See, e.g., 
> the list of "Bug Day" things we had: 
>    http://wiki.sagemath.org/Workshops#Bug_Days 
> Also we had  sequence of bug days workshops in which we had intense 
> bug triage sessions, where we (a group of people in a room with a 
> project and trac) would systematically go through hundreds of bugs and 
> revisit/prioritize/categories them.   Thousands of people hours have 
> been spent on these sorts of activities. 
Yes, good point.  I'll then counter that it was mostly at such events that 
this happened, though.

> It is however difficult to maintain the momentum for this sort of work. 
> For example, many of the people heavily involved in the above now have 
> full time non-math jobs... 
So new recruits welcome!

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