On 11 November 2014 00:53, Fredrik  Johansson
<fredrik.johans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:21:12 AM UTC+1, William wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Ursula Whitcher <whit...@uwec.edu> wrote:
>> > On 11/5/2014 8:24 AM, William Stein wrote:
>> >
>> >> * By "we write up" above, I mean you write up something very, very
>> >> rough, post it here, and get feedback.
>> >
>> >
>> > Done!
>> >
>> > http://people.uwec.edu/whitchua/notes/sagebugprocess.pdf
>> Wow, that's really nice!   I really like the tone and length.
>> > I stuck with Ticket 14032 as my example; I think the tradeoff of
>> > interesting
>> > algorithm vs. boring bug is OK for a general math audience.
>> >
>> > Questions:
>> >
>> > * Who found the bug corresponding to ticket 14032?  Was the computation
>> > in
>> > service of an interesting research question?
>> >
>> Jeroen Demeyer reported it -- did you also *find* it Jeroen?
>> > * Originally, William said "working modulo a few additional primes".
>> > Does
>> > this mean doing p-adic lifting again, or just black-box computing det A
>> > (mod
>> > p), as I have implied?
>> Just black-box computing det A, as you implied.
>> One thing that isn't technically 100% correct about the p-adic lifting
>> part of what you say is that one in fact
>> works modulo several distinct primes lifting p-adically a bit, rather
>> than modulo only one prime.   You might just say in parens that the
>> actual implementation is slightly more subtle than what you describe
>> and cite https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~astorjoh/iml.html
>> I've cc'd Arne Storjohann (co-author of IML) and Clement Pernet on this
>> message.
>> As Sage is switching to FLINT very soon by default for integer matrix
>> determinants (due to Marc Masdue's recent patch), I wonder what
>> algorithm FLINT uses for this problem?   It would be good to be aware
>> at least.
> I wrote the determinant code in FLINT. It uses cofactor expansion up to size
> 4, the Bareiss algorithm (fraction-free Gaussian elimination) up to size 24,
> and the multimodular algorithm (compute modulo small primes whose product
> exceeds twice the Hadamard bound) up to size 59. The determinants mod p are
> computed using recursive LU decomposition, with Strassen matrix
> multiplication for sufficiently large matrices, and some tricks like delayed
> reduction to make the mod p arithmetic fast.
> From size 60, FLINT uses the multimodular algorithm, but if the matrix has
> small entries (max bits <= matrix size) it uses the trick of computing a
> divisor of the determinant by solving a "random" linear system using p-adic
> lifting -- some quick testing I did suggested that this trick is slower than
> the straight multimodular algorithm when the matrix has very large entries.
> Either the p-adic lifting or the determinants modulo small primes can be a
> bottleneck. IML is faster for very large matrices (from around size 500-1000
> and up the last time I checked). One reason for this is that FLINT does not
> yet use BLAS for mod p linear algebra. I think IML also uses a better
> lifting strategy.
> The determinant code in FLINT isn't optimized for singular matrices. Instead
> of going all the way up to the Hadamard bound, you could stop if the
> determinant is zero modulo the first prime you try, and then verify that the
> matrix really is singular by computing a certified rref. At least I think
> this might be faster in practice. One of our two GSoC students this year,
> Alex Best, implemented the mod p + certification algorithm for the
> fmpz_mat_rref, fmpz_mat_rank and fmpz_mat_nullspace functions, which makes
> them vastly faster than what we had before for large matrices. Alex's code
> has been merged into the git trunk and will be included in the next FLINT
> release.

Point of info: Alex Best graduated recently from Warwick with a 3-year
degree in Discrete Mathematics though he had also covered several
extra courses from our 4-year mathematics degree,  As well as his
amazing work for GSoC he was also simultabeously doing a summer
research project with Lassina Dembele.  He is now doing the Cambridge
"Part III" course and will be looking for a PhD place for next

If he is reading this, I hope Alex does not mind me saying all this!


> Another thing FLINT doesn't optimize for is matrices that are triangular,
> diagonal, or extremely sparse. These probably constitute a decent fraction
> of real-world input, so it would probably be worth the very slight overhead
> to check for them...
> Fredrik
> --
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