Yo !

> A) this will change time stamps and hence cause a lengthy compilation
> anyways

Nono, it only change the timestamps of the files which are modified by the
branch. I am using a small bash script that does that for me since I use
git in Sage and never had this problem anymore.

> B) there is a very real cost in unnecessary merges, they make the log
> to read.

Well, first when the guy only wants to review/checkout a branch you do not
care, because it is only done on his computer.

Then, it is not that big of a problem, really. In most tickets there is no
need for a merge as they are written between two releases, and otherwise
you have one merge commit when you set a ticket to needs_work because there
is some conflict. The merge is the last of the branch, and usually that is

> If you want to argue in favor of unnecessary merges then please also
> a reason why other git-using projects are wrong when they discourage
> unnecessary merges.

For beginners it is easier. And that it a big problem of ours at the moment.

We could tell them later on that we prefer them to rebase the branches or
something, but well.. Really I have been writing dozens of tickets this way
and I do not think that the git histories were so ugly.


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