> What is our policy concerning deleting branches from the trac repositories 
> (e.g., I usually delete all branches on trac which are merged in a stable 
> release, say, just to unclutter the name space there)? 
> The current workflow (replacing the branch by the commit id when closing 
> the 
> ticket) suggests that the branch could be deleted at that stage; actually, 
> it 
> should only be deleted later (when the ticket is part of a release), 
> because 
> your workflow described above depends on that (well, ok, you do not do git 
> remote update --prune trac). 
> If the "merged in" field would be set when releasing a develop version, 
> then the 
> replacement of the branch name by the commit id in the ticket could occur 
> at the 
> same time (and not at the time when closing the ticket). 
+1 - but see https://github.com/sagemath/git-trac-command/issues/18 because 
there might be more technical challenges to making that happen than one 
thinks.  If you have any ideas that can solve Volker's comments about 
possible problems with this that would be fantastic.

- kcrisman 

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