On 18 November 2014 13:41, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.cer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> 
> wrote:
>> ...
>> Have you had a chance to consider the issue of the chain-rule yet?
> Yes. Very straightforward, as I suggested in my last email. Just start with:
> D f / D z = df/dz + df/d conjugate(z) * e^{-2*i*theta}
> and then consider the chain rule for Wirtinger derivatives
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirtinger_derivatives#Functions_of_one_complex_variable_2),
> I am sure that can be proven quite easily.

Let me make sure I understand your proposal.  Are you saying that you
would introduce the symbolic expression


with theta undefined in the result of all derivatives?  So that
diff(x) is always the sum of two terms. In particular


would return the symbolic expression

  conjugate(x)/(2*abs(x)) + conjugate(x)/(2*abs(x))* e^{-2*i*theta}

If you are, then clearly one can recover both Wirtinger derivatives
from this expression and the rest holds.

> Then you just calculate directly:
> ...
> So it exactly agrees, except that there is a theta dependence in the
> final answer and GiNaC implicitly chose theta=0.
> I hope I didn't make some mistake somewhere, but it looks all
> straightforward to me.

It looks OK to me but I must say, it probably seems rather peculiar
from the point of view expressed earlier by David Roe.

How can you explain the presence of the e^theta term to someone
without experience in complex analysis or at least multi-variable

I thought rather that what you were proposing was to set theta=0 from
the start.  If you did that, then I think you still have problems with
the chain rule.


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