On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:52 AM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> wrote:
> So here (20) is a simpler expression for derivative of arg:
> (16) -> abs(x)==sqrt(x*conjugate(x))
>    Compiled code for abs has been cleared.
>    Compiled code for arg has been cleared.
>    1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule abs
>                                                                    Type:
> Void
> (17) -> arg(x)==log(x/abs(x))/%i
>    1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule arg
>                                                                    Type:
> Void
> (18) -> arg %i
>    Compiling function abs with type Complex(Integer) -> Expression(
>       Complex(Integer))
>    Compiling function arg with type Complex(Integer) -> Expression(
>       Complex(Integer))
>    (18)  - %i log(%i)
>                                            Type:
> Expression(Complex(Integer))
> (19) -> complexNumeric %
>    (19)  1.5707963267_948966192
>                                                          Type:
> Complex(Float)
> (20) -> D(arg(x),x)
>    Compiling function abs with type Variable(x) -> Expression(Integer)
>    Compiling function arg with type Variable(x) -> Expression(Complex(
>       Integer))
>              _
>          - %ix + %i x
>    (20)  ------------
>                 _
>               2xx
>                                            Type:
> Expression(Complex(Integer))
> In general I am a little uncertain if, how and when to deal with
> simplifications of expressions like abs that can be expressed in terms of
> more fundamental/elementary functions.  What do you think?

The identity abs(z) = sqrt(z*conjugate(z)) is just the same problem as
for things like exp(x) = E^x, csc(x) = 1/sin(x), sinh(x) =
(exp(x)-exp(-x)/2, asin(x) = -i*log(i*x+sqrt(1-x^2)), asinh(x) =
log(x+sqrt(1+x^2)), ...

Essentially a lot of functions can be written using simpler functions.
The expression is sometimes simpler using abs() and sometimes simpler
using sqrt(x*conjugate(x)), and that is true for all the other cases
too. So a CAS needs to be able to handle both, and allow the user to
convert one to the other. For example in SymPy, we can do:

In [1]: sinh(x)**2+1
sinh (x) + 1

In [2]: (sinh(x)**2+1).rewrite(exp)
⎛ x    -x⎞
⎜ℯ    ℯ  ⎟
⎜── - ───⎟  + 1
⎝2     2 ⎠

In [3]: _.expand()
 2⋅x        -2⋅x
ℯ      1   ℯ
──── + ─ + ─────
 4     2     4

In general, my approach is that I try to define the derivative of
abs(x) in the simplest possible way, which seems to be in terms of
abs(x) as well, instead of sqrt(x*conjugate(x)). But the CAS needs to
be able to rewrite it later if needed, because sometimes things can


> Bill.
> On 20 November 2014 09:41, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> wrote:
>> ...
>> I had a thought. I suppose that all non-analytic (nonholomorphic)
>> functions of interest can be written in terms of conjugate and some analytic
>> functions, e.g.
>>   abs(x)=sqrt(x*conjugate(x))
>> so perhaps all we really need is to know how to differentiate conjugate
>> properly?
>> Bill
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