> Once more, the rules make a point to enforce politeness but they seem 
> to avoid things like having the respect to answer a honest question. 
Collated for ease of reply, though there were also implicit questions and 
examples of what was meant in the email.

- what is our commitment to free software ? 
- should we collaborate (fund, advertise,...) with closed proprietary 
  software ? 
- how do we take decisions (equality, transparency, collaboration, taking 
  care of minorities,...) ? 
- are there some reserved territories within the source code ? 
- is the acceptation of google terms of service a necessary condition for 
  a person to be allowed to take part to the decisions ? 
- who is on the short list ? 
- with which motivation ? 
- which concrete examples in mind ? 
- Should google's rules rule our policy ? 

Could we thus have an answer to the ones aked by Therry ? Not ignoring 
> anybody is also part of elementary "friendliness". 
Though to be fair, the right not to answer is probably also a right.

I'll comment briefly on a couple of these, with no claims to accuracy, just 
my impressions.  I do think it's fair for people to respond, though I also 
think a lot of this is pretty far from the code of conduct discussion.

* re: Google - I believe that on various occasions William has invited 
personal emails when it was appropriate to keep things off the record, and 
I am sure that if anyone asked, a proxy vote by such means would be 
accepted, though it would probably have to be from someone who didn't just 
say "Yeah, sure, I read sage-devel all the time without subscribing ... 
yeah, sure."

* re: free vs. proprietary - there is a VERY wide range of opinion on the 
appropriateness here, and healthy discussion of it.  It seems that Sage as 
an entity (insofar as such a thing exists) has the in practice position 
(not that any one actual human holds this position!) that a strong free 
license like GPL is necessary for mathematical reasons, but that depending 
on the situation it will remain agnostic as to collaboration with other 
software.  However, I don't think the current discussion impacts this 
either way - and in any case it would be in practice impossible to change 
the license, as William pointed out sometime earlier.

So in some ways Sage is "living the tension" of the open source community. 
 That isn't going to go away; there will never be a unified position on 
these points among Sage developers.

* re: reserved territory - I don't agree with Raymond on everything, but 
his point in "Homesteading the Noosphere" is still true that in projects 
like ours "authority follow[s] responsibility".  So there are people who 
have poured a lot of time into certain areas and really *understand* them, 
and so do have some de facto claim on what happens.  But this is not 
measurable in lines of code or commits or Trac edits or anything like that, 
and becomes fluid.  No one is incapable of being overruled on Trac, though 
typically practice has been that if something comes to sage-devel and then 
no one really responds, the conflicting parties need to work it out on 
their own - usually in such cases a ticket simply is abandoned, as a 
release manager would be pretty reluctant to intervene except in the case 
of a serious bug.

(For an example not related to most of the parties most aggrieved by this 
discussion, for a long time Burcin was "the" symbolics guy for this reason; 
yet even as he has moved to other responsibilities, newer folks like mjo 
and rws have been helping and gaining that authority.  It is totally 
organic, yet when Burcin makes a comment on this code now, naturally it's 
taken very seriously - and gratefully.)

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