> Trac tickets and comments, however, are public. Thus, among the many 
> good questions raised by Thierry which deserve an answer, I am also 
> interested by the answer to the following question: 
> I consider myself as a Sage developer, i have never heard about this 
> initiative before. Could you please tell us more about the context, e.g. 
>  - who is on the short list ? 
>  - with which motivation ? 
>  - which concrete examples in mind ? 
I am also interested in this, and for the record only heard about it when 
the first email came through, but because ANYONE (group or not) could have 
sent such an email at any point, and since it is clear that the community 
can discuss and/or reject it (even before the current voting thread), I was 
not particularly worried about it.

There are in fact hundreds of Sage developers, and most of them do not seem 
to be voting or discussing at all.  

I am glad you brought up a lot of these points.   A brief rejoinder as to 
why I do not see them as particularly bad, *in the current Sage context* 
(important qualifier):

> Establishing such a list is (again) a strong attack against the 
Sage community whose existence relies in openness and diversity: 

I disagree; it seems unwise, but there are many successful and open and 
diverse open source projects who have a "committers list" or something like 
that of people who are allowed to make commits, which is a far stronger 
power; it is the exercise of the power that makes the difference.  To 
paraphrase Stalin, "How many divisions does Sage have"?  Answer: none. 
 Again, I don't think it is wise, but in reality any use of beyond serious 
cases would be 

> With such a perspective, people who organize Sage days and 
tutorial sessions, teach with Sage, report bugs, write books, review 
patches, ask 
> questions, provide support to newcomers, discuss code design, help in 
Sage deployment, maintain the infrastructure, provide buildbots,... are not 
> really useful, not really contributing to Sage's development. This 
is insulting ! 

It seemed to me that this was an attempt to provide some slightly less 
arbitrary measure than "the BDFL and whoever he likes" or "the release 
manager and his friends".  I am pretty sure that there were calls to 
perhaps find a different measure.  Naturally, it is still arbitrary, but in 
the end any such list would be arbitrary, which is why I don't see it as 
necessary or welcome.  But the effort was honest enough, I believe.  It 
could have also been based on posts to sage-devel or changes on Trac or 
reputation on ask.sagemath (my favorite ;-) j/k) but in the end it was just 
a suggestion, and I don't think it went anywhere.  Did it?  This thread is 
VERY long...

> [Edited because this should be a family show]
Because of the linguistic issues you mentioned earlier, perhaps you were 
not aware that the insult you used for the list of names is considered 
fairly vulgar in the United States; I cannot speak to how it is perceived 
by English-speaking communities elsewhere, including those in the sciences 
using English as a lingua franca.  This (and various people doing similar 
things on Trac) may turn off as many people to Sage development by 
'proving' it is unprofessional than any rules here.   I know that there are 
many who would disagree with me on whether "strong language" (whatever that 
means) should be used on sage-devel, or whether asking people to refrain 
even when angry is just censorship, but nonetheless it will also, 
incrementally (differential addition ala Tolstoy, maybe) do so.

Hopefully others will have more cogent discussion of this.  Again, I don't 
think there is any proto-oligarchy forming - for the zillionth time, I will 
recommend reading about governance in open source and why it is so 
different than in other domains - but it's definitely worth discussing.

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