Hi Bill,

I thought about this a lot (essentially I studied complex analysis
from several books as well as consulted with many colleagues) and I
figured out some answers to my questions.

In the approach (A), you have:

log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b)

What that means is that log() is multivalued, so you can add 2*pi*i*n
for all "n". The way to do arithmetic and compare multivalued
functions is simply to make sure that the infinite (sometimes it could
be finite) set of values on the left is equivalent to the infinite set
of values on the right. In other words, if you pick a value on the
left, for the sake of an argument let's say a=b=-1 and we pick n = 5,
so we get log(a*b) = log(1) = 0 + 2*pi*i*5 = 10*pi*i, then if you can
find combinations of values on the right hand side to make the result
equal to 10*pi*i, and you can do this for all integer "n", and if you
can do the opposite, i.e. that you pick any combination of values on
the right hand side and are able to find a value on the left hand side
that is equal to it, then you prove the equality. I.e. you prove that
the infinite set of multivalues on the left hand side and right hand
side are equal.

Once we have an understanding how log(z) works, we simply can derive
all kinds of formulas in the approach (A). The way it works is that
you put in the 2*pi*n factors, i.e. you explicitly enumerate all
possibilities, then you derive some formulas, and at the end you
absorb the 2*pi*n factors into the multivalued functions, i.e. you can
always absorb 2*pi*i*n into log(). But sometimes it might not be
possible to completely absorb all these factors.

Now let's apply this to the problems below:

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> wrote:
> On 26 November 2014 at 12:58, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.cer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> Does it help if a say the operations are defined "symbolically"?
>> All I want is if you can give me an algorithm of your approach
>> in sufficient detail, so that it can be implemented by me on a
>> computer.  And by "your approach", I mean an approach, where
>> conjugate(log(x)) = log(conjugate(x)) for all x.
> I am sorry, we seem to be having some trouble communicating. Is that
> something infecting this email list? :)
> Making  "conjugate(log(x)) = log(conjugate(x)) for all x" is trivial
> so long as it is treated symbolically: the 'conjugate' operation is
> just defined to rewrite itself (auto-simplify) when applied to any
> operand of the form log(_), so 'conjugate(log(_))' is evaluated as
> 'log(conjugate(_))', where _ stands for any element of the domain
> Expression.  This is what I meant when I said it was considered true
> by definition, i.e. by definition of the symbolic 'conjugate'
> operation.  Exactly the same sort of thing happens when the
> 'conjugate' operation acts on 'conjugate'  so that
> 'conjugate(conjugate(x))' is simply rewritten as 'x'.

Sure, on this level you can implement it. I was thinking on a deeper
level, i.e. imagining putting a number x=-1 in and see how could this be true:

conjugate(log(-1)) = log(conjugate(-1))

The answer that I was looking for is this:

LHS: conjugate(log(-1)) = conjugate(i*pi + 2*pi*i*n) = -i*pi-2*pi*i*n
RHS: log(conjugate(-1)) = log(-1) = i*pi + 2*pi*i*m

If we pick n=-m-1, we always get LHS=RHS, so the two infinite set of
multivalues are equivalent, and the relation conjugate(log(-1)) =
log(conjugate(-1)) holds.
When you evaluate log(-1), you cannot just give i*pi, you need to give
all the multivalues. But otherwise it works.

>> I have provided all the details of the algorithm (B). In approach (B),
>> it is not true that
>> conjugate(log(x)) = log(conjugate(x)) for all x.
>> This equation (when conjugate(log(x)) = log(conjugate(x)) holds)
>> started this whole discussion.
> That
>   log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b)
> is considerably less trivial that the case of 'conjugate'.  From my
> point of view that is what actually started this branch of the
> "fabric" of this discussion.  That is where 'normalize' comes in.

I think the above answers both, it all works and is consistent in the
approach (A). You just need to remember that if a function is
multivalued, e.g. log(z), then you always need to enumerate all the
values and prove that the LHS is equivalent to RHS.

There is a theorem, that says that actually, if you give me a complex
function values on just one branch, I can reconstruct the function in
all branches. So it is probably the case that you only need to find
one set of "n", "m" and "k" to satisfy the equation and it will then
hold for the other values as well. But for clarity, I always prove it
for all values.

>> So I was trying to understand your approach how to make this hold
>> for all "x", and I suggested various ways how maybe it could be
>> implemented, and to most of it you said "that's not how FriCAS does
>> it". At this point I don't have any more ideas how it could be done,
>> so I don't know how to implement your approach. Which is sad --
>> even though I am not advocating for your approach, I wanted to
>> really understand it, so that I can make my own opinion on the pros
>> and cons.
> Thank you for attempting to understand.
> I think I only used the phrase "that's not how FriCAS does it" in the
> context of multi-valued functions.  My point is that FriCAS makes no
> attempt to evaluate a multi-valued function symbolically. But FriCAS
> does rewrite expressions involving mutli-valued functions in some
> cases automatically and in others when asked to do so by operators
> like 'normalize'.

Yes, log(a*b) can always be rewritten to log(a)+log(b) as long as
everything is multivalued.

>>> Maybe we need to define exactly what operations we are talking about.
>> Sure. Let's just stick to one example, let me just copy & paste it
>> from my previous email:
>>>>> from cmath import log
>>>>> a = -1
>>>>> b = -1
>>>>> log(a*b)
>> 0j
>>>>> log(a)+log(b)
>> 6.283185307179586j
>>>>> def arg(x): return log(x).imag
>> ...
>>>>> from math import floor, pi
>>>>> I = 1j
>>>>> log(a)+log(b)+2*pi*I*floor((
>> pi-arg(a)-arg(b))/(2*pi))
>> 0j
>> As you confirmed, even if you evaluate this in FriCAS, log(a*b) is not
>> equal to log(a) + log(b), when a=b=-1.
> Yes, I showed that as expected this was not equal when 'log' is
> evaluated in a numeric domain but I am talking about a domain
> constructed by 'Expression' which is a "symbolic" domain.

Right, so the point is that when you evaluate numerically, you *need*
to implicitly add the 2*pi*i*n factor and only compare the infinite
set of values.
Then there is no issue.

>> However, you claim that "symbolically" it is true that log(a*b) =
>> log(a) - log(b) for all "a" and "b" and you provided a FriCAS function
>> "normalize" that does it,
> No not exactly.  I am sorry that I did not express myself more
> clearly.  Actually if I evaluate
>   test ( log(a*b) = log(a)+log(b) )
> FriCAS returns 'false' since no automatic simplifications apply here
> and these are obviously to different expressions.  What I showed was
> that
>   normalize(log(a*b)-log(a)-log(b))
> returns 0.
>> but you said that for deeper understanding you would need to consult
>> Waldek Hebisch. Can you explain the discrepancy/inconsistency?
> Well, um, what I tried to say was that for a deeper understanding of
> 'normalize' we would have to either read the source code of
> 'normalize' or talk with Waldek who as studied the source code more
> carefully and throughly than I have. 'normalize' was written by Manuel
> Bronstein.  There is no specific documentation except for that
> contained in the source code:
> https://github.com/fricas/fricas/blob/master/src/algebra/efstruc.spad#L83
> and unfortunately Manuel Bronstein is dead. Bronstein did however
> publish several books and numerous articles. In particular 'normalize'
> is part of his implementation of the "Risch structure theorem".  E.g.
> http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=74566  As I recall there was some
> Google Summer of Code work on sympy related to this.

I think we don't need to know how normalize works anymore, since
obviously in the approach (A),
log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b).

> But Waldek has made a number if important recent changes to this package.
>> How exactly are the operations in log(a*b) = log(a) - log(b) defined,
>> so that this equation holds, even though when you put in a=b=-1, you
>> get a different number on the LHS and RHS, as confirmed by FriCAS?
> My admittedly primitive understanding of how 'normalize'  operates in
> this case is that it is similar in principle to what one does to show
> for example that '(a*b)/(a*c) - b/c = 0', i.e. by rewriting the
> expression to a canonical equivalent  form (although of course this is
> actually done by automatic simplifications in FriCAS).  It is my
> intention to continue to work toward improving my understanding of
> this part of FriCAS especially since Waldek has expressed doubts about
> the soundness of introducing 'conjugate' into Expression in the
> context of this function.

I played with various formulas for multivalued functions and it's all
consistent, and for example these definitely hold:

log(a*b) = log(a)+log(b)
conjugate(log(x)) = log(conjugate(x))

But then I tried:

(x^a)^b = ( e^(a*log(x)) )^b = e^(b*log(e^(a*log(x)))) =
e^(b*(a*log(x) + 2*pi*i*n)) = e^(a*b*log(x) + b*2*pi*i*n) = x^(a*b) *

I was just using the definitions and put the 2*pi*i factors in at
appropriate places. As you can see, in this case, the 2*pi*i factor
can't be absorbed. So this is ugly. But it works, i.e.

sqrt(x^2) = (x^2)^(1/2) = x^(2*1/2) * e^(1/2 * 2*pi*i*n) = x *
e^(pi*i*n) = x * (-1)^n

We are still using the approach (A), so everything is multivalued. In
this case, we have only 2 values, +x and -x, but it's still a
multivalued function with both of these values holding at the same

It should be now clear, that it is *not* true that (x^a)^b = x^(a*b),
because then for a=2, b=1/2, you would get:

sqrt(x^2) = x

But the function on the left is multivalued (with values/branches +x
and -x), while the function on the right is single valued with only
one value "x". The only way you could make this work is if you say
that it is possible to find a branch on the left (+x) that agrees with
the single value on the right. But for a CAS, it would be a mistake to
simplify sqrt(x^2) to x. It would be ok to simplify sqrt(x^2) to
x*(-1)^n, but it's ugly, since now you have "n" in there.

For this reason, the approach (A) is not very well suited for a CAS
and I think approach (B) is much better. The approach (B) follows from
(A) by simply choosing such "n", that picks the principal branch. So
for example for sqrt(x^2), it picks n = floor((pi-2*arg(x)) / (2*pi)).
As an added bonus, since numerical evaluations of log(z) and other
functions also returns the principal branch, all the formulas are
consistent and no need to worry about any 2*pi*n factors.


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