On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> wrote:
> On 25 November 2014 at 01:11, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.cer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 10:23 PM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I am not very interested in real numbers.  I am interested in the
>>> algebra.  Would you say that
>>>   sqrt(x^2).diff(x) = sqrt(x^2)/x
>>> is OK?
>> I think so, using the following calculation:
>> sqrt(x^2).diff(x) = exp(1/2*log(x^2)).diff(x) = exp(1/2*log(x^2)) *
>> 1/2 * 1/x^2 * 2*x = sqrt(x^2)/x
>> The function exp(1/2*log(x^2)) that we differentiate is analytic, so I
>> don't see any issue here.
> I did not ask whether it was technically correct or not.  What I meant
> was is this expression what you would expect given the rest of the
> machinery of differentiation in any given computer algebra system?

Ah ok. I would actually expect to get x/sqrt(x^2), which is equivalent.

>>> But I don't want to be forced to make a choice of branch until
>>> I actually need to evaluate an expression numerically.
>> I understand that's what you want. I am just trying to understand how
>> exactly this works.
> OK.
>>> ...
>>> I think what you are trying to say is
>>>  (A) log(exp(z)) = { z + 2*pi*i*n | for all n in Integer}
>> Exactly, that's what I meant.
>> ...
>>> Although it may seem simple in this case, in general implementing
>>> sets with comprehension like this requires logic and takes us
>>> outside of algebra as such into the realm of theorem proving.
>> Sure. But that's what you want, correct?
> No, not at all.  I want this to be "algebraic", not some theorem of
> predicate calculus.  That is what I meant by taking
>   x + conjugate(x)
> as the definition of a real valued variable.


>> ...
>>>> This is precisely the part that I don't understand with the approach
>>>> (A). log(a*b), log(a) and log(b) are all multivalued, so you would
>>>> naively think, that log(a*b)-log(a)-log(b) = 0 + 2*pi*i*n, for all
>>>> "n". But I think this is not the case, I think the "n" in log(a*b) is
>>>> coupled to the implicit "n" in log(a) and log(b) in such a way, that
>>>> the result is exactly 0. Can you clarify exactly how this works?
>>> Try it this way:
>>>   a*b = exp(?1)
>>>   a = exp(?2)
>>>   b = exp(?3)
>>> I think 'normalize' is saying that there is a solution that makes
>>>   ?1 - ?2 - ?3  = 0.
>> Ok, but why wouldn't normalize return 2*pi*i instead? Or 4*pi*i?
> These are equivalent in the sense of having the same number of
> algebraically independent transcendental kernels, i.e. none.

I don't understand that. Is the result of normalize() multivalued?
Or how else could 0 be equivalent to 2*pi*i or 4*pi*i?

>> In other words, how exactly are the operations on the multivalued
>> sets log(x) defined?
> FriCAS does not perform operations on multivalued sets to determine the above.

Ok. Though my question stands, how are the operations defined in your approach?

>>> I meant that I did not understand what you are proposing for how to
>>> represent the value of 'log(z)' symbolically, i.e. when the value of z
>>> is unknown.
>> Ah ok. I would represent it by the approach (B). But then, as we
>> talked about, it's not true that conjugate(log(z)) = log(conjugate(z)).
>> Since you want this property to hold, then the approach (B) does
>> not work for you, obviously. So I am trying to understand how
>> exactly are all the operations defined in your approach. You said
>> your approach is not (A) exactly. So I am just trying to understand.
> OK.
>> This discussion is about how a CAS should handle (complex)
>> differentiation. Since it started here, I would finish it here, so
>> that the whole thread is in one mailinglist for future reference.
> OK.  It would be nice to know if other sage-devel subscribers actually
> remain interested...
> Let's return to differentiation for a moment.  Using your definitions
> what would you say is the correct result for
>   log(exp(z-conjugate(z))).diff(z)
> My patched version of FriCAS based your definition in this thread
> currently returns 0. Do you get the same result?

No, the derivative is most definitely not zero:

log(exp(z-conjugate(z))).diff(z) =
exp(z-conjugate(z))/exp(z-conjugate(z)) * [1 - 1*exp(-2*i*theta)] = 1
- exp(-2*i*theta)

In other words, the two Wirtinger derivatives are 1 and -1. You can
easily check numerically that this formula is correct for all complex
"x" and angles theta, I've done it here:


and it works.

> Since the derivative is 0 would we want to say therefore that
>   log(exp(z-conjugate(z)))
> is a constant?

If you got 0, then I think you can say that the function is constant.
We didn't get 0, so the function is not constant.

> If not, isn't this an argument for needing another
> derivative?

In some of your previous emails you wrote that this theta factor
"still looks ugly to you". Maybe it's ugly, but it's correct, as you
fell into this trap yourself: if you omit theta and implicitly assume
theta=0, then you don't know if what you got is analytic or not.

Perhaps this comment in a sympy issue might help:


Essentially the formula with theta is equivalent to just returning a
tuple of the two Wirtinger derivatives. So what holds for one approach
holds for the other one.

> The result of this test currently causes a problem during
> manipulations of expressions of this form.  Check the two Wirtinger
> derivatives for this case. If we have both derivatives we can avoid
> this problem quite easily as my previous version of the patch showed.

My current best solution is to define a function `diff(x, theta=0)`,
where the theta argument is 0 by default, but you can pass any angle
into it, or a symbol theta if you want. That way you won't get the
theta factors by default, but if in doubt, you can always get them.

Let me know if you have a better proposal.


> Bill.
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