
I don't know which of the following is better in the "three M"'s as I have 
close to no experience with them, but I suspect at least the documentation 
part is...

- Dima Pasechnik mentioned representation theory of associative algebras, 
but even linear algebra over fields is not implemented in Sage when the 
vector spaces are not given as R^n or R^m but as CombinatorialFreeModules. 
This can be worked around in any specific situation by mapping them to R^n 
and R^m, but the work required grows with the complexity of the question, 
and this ends up being severely limiting.

- Implementers of classes have to make decisions which really should be 
left to users of their classes. When you create your class of (say) posets, 
you have to decide whether to cache covering relations or to compute them 
every time as needed; whether to compute certain invariants when the class 
is being created or only later; how to represent the data internally; etc.. 
But there is no right way to make such decisions; it all depends on the 
user and whether he is planning to study one or two posets in detail or to 
generate thousands of them as intermediate steps of an algorithm. (For a 
better example, we recently had a discussion of how much information about 
a Coxeter group should be computed at the moment of its creation.) We 
should IMHO use abstract classes more often, but I see very few examples of 
this in Sage.

- Documentation. Sorry, but much of it reads like mason's marks from 
thousand years ago; particularly on underscored methods (I think people 
believe that underscore means noone will ever want to use it, but that's 
not true).

  Best regards,

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