On Monday, December 15, 2014 11:44:25 AM UTC-8, William wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:34 AM, rjf <fat...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> >> William said ... There's no question that in say 200?, Microsoft 
> Windows support was 
> >> absolutely critical for widespread adoption of a piece of software in 
> >> a given market.   Today, and certainly going into the future, this is 
> >> not so clear.    The single most popular applications in the world 
> >> today are Google.com and Facebook.com [1], which have well over a 
> >> *billion* active users [2], and neither has a "working windows 
> >> version". 
> > 
> > 
> > Huh? They work for me on Windows. 
> You're utterly missing the point. 

Ah, you are claiming that in the future there will be no such things
as (end user) applications and that everything will be a web page. And that
windows (or whatever) will degenerate to be browsers and so it won't matter
if sage-math-cloud runs as long as it is accessible from a browser.

We have tread this path before.  It was called time-sharing.  Then we had
smartish terminals with time-sharing. Then we had x-terminals,  We also
had single-user workstations, PCs, Macs, etc etc  that were not time-shared
usually (but could be), and then they were networked. And now we are told
we should do time-sharing.  It certainly is nice to have someone else 
software on the central server(s), and charge you money only for the 
that you use.  

Has cloud computing has solved all the problems with time-shared systems?
Like privacy?  

> > Saying that you could work on cloud computing.. eh, maybe for some 
> people 
> > for some projects for some of the time. 
> I don't know what you're saying. 
Like privacy?   

> > Seems to me that Microsoft is not going to go away. There actually 
> > is a pile of software that still runs on Microsoft Windows and not on 
> > unix.   Last I looked, Linux /free-open stuff was way behind on (say) 
> speech 
> > recognition. I'm sure there are other places too. 
> I don't think Microsoft is going away -- indeed, my impression is that 
> Microsoft as a company is currently pushing for cloud computing as 
> their top priority. 
> >  Is there a native Android sage? 
> No. 
Oh, too bad.  There is an Android Maxima.  The simulated keyboard on
my phone is inadequate though.


>  - William 

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