Dear all,

    >  2. When doing some test for the above problem I realize that
    >    *does not take into account the order (the above *f* is not a

    Yes, it is, since the ring is in fact localised.

    >    This is not really an issue, the problem is the fact that the
    >    accept the entry *order* but it ignores it silently.

    Ahm, why do you think it is ignored?

I have rechecked that *R.<t>=PolynomialRing(QQ,order='neglex');(1+t).is_unit()* yields False

My impression is that Enrique is right: in the constructor PolynomialRing, for univariate polynomial rings the argument `order` seem indeed to be ignored: see `sage/src/rings/polynomial/` at line 465, the function called in this case is `_single_variate` that does not have an `order` argument. Or to state it otherwise, we have

sage: R.<t>=PolynomialRing(QQ,order='neglex')
sage: R.parent()
<class 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring.PolynomialRing_field_with_category'>

And `PolynomialRing`s are *univariate* polynomial rings, without an order argument.

A possibility could be to define a *multivariate* polynomial ring in just one variable (!) when an `order` is given. This is possible with the current implementation I think, though the results do not seem to be correct for the particular question of whether (1+t) is a unit:

sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring import MPolynomialRing_polydict
sage: R = MPolynomialRing_polydict(QQ, 1, ('t',), "neglex"); R
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field
sage: R.inject_variables()
Defining t
sage: (1+t).is_unit()


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