On 2016-02-23 15:50, Clemens Heuberger wrote:
It is also impossible to compile Sage 6.5 nowadays

I assume this was a build from git? That's indeed not supported. A real build-from-source-tarball should still work.

Bottom line: I cannot reproduce 11 month old results anymore.

Personally, I think this is a flaw in the review process for Sage tickets. Reviewers should check whether existing code might break with a patch, but that's not always done.

Of course, I could have opened a ticket and included my code into the
src/sage/tests directory. But I cannot imagine that this approach would scale
very well. I assume that there are many papers out there with a substantial
amount of CPU time required for reproducability.

What if you just add a simple case? Imagine your code computes f(n) for all n up to 10^6. Then you could use f(10) as test case.

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