On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:
> On 05/02/2016 06:07 AM, Erik Bray wrote:
>> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> 
>> wrote:
>>> My vote:
>>>> [X] Phase out properties which perform any non-trivial computation
>>> In certain cases, properties might be useful (but it could very well be that
>>> there are 0 such cases in Sage).
>> I generally feel that properties *should* be used in general for
>> invariants of some object, regardless of how it's computed in the
>> first place.  I see the point about not using them for "non-trivial"
>> computations but I also find the lack of a clear definition of
>> "non-trivial" troubling.
> Properties, in any programming language, are syntactic sugar over
> getter/setter methods on private member variables. In a language like
> C#, they're useful and you have a sensible rule for when to use them:
> use properties to get/set private member variables, and methods for
> everything else. So basically, properties do no computation at all.
> In python, all member variables are public, so the concept of a property
> is a bit redundant. It's hard to come up with a "when to use properties"
> rule in python, because the only rule that makes sense doesn't apply.
> Anywhere you could use a property, you can use a "public" member
> variable instead (if you can't, then you wanted a method to begin with).
> The one useful feature of @property is that it lets you document your
> member variables. If I have a class with a "public" nrows member
> variable, then I can't document it so that when a user runs foo.nrows?,
> it tells him what that variable is supposed to do. By creating a
> property (which is only syntactic sugar over a getter method), I gain
> the ability to add a docstring on what would otherwise be a variable.

I can say from significant experience that that is *not* the only
useful feature of property.

Let's also not forget the even deeper magic that is the descriptor
protocol in general.

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