My thoughts so far :

I : Is there really a problem ?

What all the brouhaha around libcurl boils down to is that there *might* be 
a (pseudo)-legal difficulty in shipping a libcurl liibrary requiring 
OpenSSL and a GPL-licensed piece of software *in the same package*. This 
might be a part of the reasons for the R core team to have thrown the towel 
on this (but probably only patr of the reason : they alo threw the towel on 
xz an pcre, which do not give the same headache).

However, this does not seem to be a problem per se : Debian (one of the 
most nitpicking distros in terms of licensing)   happily ships libraries 
and utilities (such as cups, for starter) linked with openssl-linked 
libcurl. I think that it would be interesting to ask them how they 
reconcile the (inconsistent) wordings of the licenses involved.

According to their answer, we might have an easy way out : hide behind the 
same legal curtain as Debian (it remains to see what it is...), package 
libcurl (essentially done) and silently ship it with Sage (it remains to 
check if other libraries are not more or less silently involved in the 
support of https: in libcurl, in which case we might have to use them 
also). This is option :

a) Do nothing :

II ? If there is really a problem, what can we do ?

We might also bite the bullet, modify our licensing terms to add the 
advertising clause required by openssl's license and ship openly libcurl. 
Tha requires, it seems, explicit permission of all the people havng 
contributed to Sage, which might prove a difficult (impossble ?) task. That 
gives us option :

b) Acknowledge libcurl

We can also emulate the R core team, throw the towel and simply add (an 
https-capable) libcurl to our initial requirements in, possibly 
other places), leaving the user with the responsibility of installing it. 
This is option :

c) Throw the towel

Another possibility in the same vein is to throw the whole linen cabinet : 
instead of placing on user's shoulders the responsibility of finding 
libcurl, we might leave it the responsibility of installing R. This is made 
possible by the fact that R is now largely stable, with well-documented 
interfaces and few changes, therefore standardizable. A review of *all* the 
points of exchange between R and other parts of Sage would be necessary to 
check what is to be supported. As far as I know, R is sparsely used in "the 
rest of Sage. This is option :

d) Excise R kernel

At that point, one might wonder if R should remain a standard part of Sage. 
Dropping the requirement for T and making R interfaces an optional part of 
Sage might also be a solution. But this is possible if and only if the code 
review necessary to Sage excision shows no use of R's capabilities in other 
standard part of Sage. This is option :

e) Excise R interfaces

I think that we can forget about creating a network-deprived R : the 
resulting loss of functionality is so massive that it would become almost 
useless (to people having a use for R, that is...). I have to add that I 
would fight such a "solution"...

III : Pros and contras

"Throw the towel" is the laziest option : a few lines of not hard-to-write 
documentation in a few (harder-to-find ?) places. It buys us nothing in 
terms of functionality. And leaves us with the responsibility of updating R 
(a not-so-insignificant task) and large sources, libraries and executables.

"Do nothing" is (almost but not quite) as lazy: porting libcurl is 
essentially done ; it remains to check if other libraries are required to 
build an https:-capable libcurl. No other benefits.

"Acknowledge libcurl" seems almost infeasible, due to the necessity to hunt 
all the past and present Sage contributors. It would be otherwise the 
cleanest solution in the eyes of legal-oriented people.

"Excise R kernel" needs a serious bit of work. But it would have its points 
: document all the uses of R from other parts of Sage, forcing the 
documentation of these uses, etc... It would also lighten the maintenance 
of Sage. However, we would be exposed to brutal loss of functionality 
if/when R changes without warning. Furthermore, paranoid users (such as me 
:-) would not have to maintain "system" and "Sage" installations of R (not 
a small task with litteraly thousands of R packages available...).

"Excise R interfaces" is probably easy to do (modulo the code review 
necessary to excision) ; in my not so humble opinion, it would be a serious 
loss of interest for me and, more generally, a catastrophic mistake in 
communication : R has been part of Sage since version 3.0 (2008) (if 
Wikipedia is to be believed), and it would be the first ever *intentional* 
loss of functionality of Sage. Furthermore, I am a bit skeptic about R 
interfaces maintenance if they ever becom an optional part of Sage : even 
the (Sage) notebook, which is pretty central,  has attracted cruft to the 
point of becoming unmaintainable...

My short-sighted laziness would go to "Throw the towel" ; my long-term 
laziness would choose "Excise R kernel" (it could be the former now, the 
latter afterwards). However, notwithstanding its drawbacks, "do nothing" is 
almost done.

What do you think ?

Emmanuel Charpentier

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