On Friday, October 28, 2016 at 5:24:35 PM UTC, William wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Dima Pasechnik <dim...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Friday, October 28, 2016 at 3:03:26 PM UTC, William wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Hi, 
> >> 
> >> Regarding the openssl dependency issue, the standard way people 
> >> justify getting around it is the "system library exemption", which 
> >> allows for GPL'd programs to link in system libraries that are not 
> >> GPL'd (otherwise, things like GPL software on MS Windows would be 
> >> impossible!).   Some links here: 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/2233/gpl-v3-with-openssl-exception
> >> 
> >> As the person who chose to add R to Sage in the first place, my 
> >> instinct on this is that we should **completely and totally remove R 
> >> from Sage**.  Why? 
> >> 
> >>   - Our pexpect based interface to R sucks.  It was mostly written by 
> >> Mike Hansen and me, so I take the blame.  In SageMathCloud Sage 
> >> worksheets 
> >> we just switched to making the %r mode be implemented using Jupyter's 
> >> R kernel, which is way more robust. 
> >> 
> >>   - It's easy enough to install R in other ways outside of Sage. 
> >> I've heard of a lot of people installing Sage in order to install X 
> >> (where X is say Pari or Singular or even Cython at one point); I've 
> >> *never* heard of anybody installing Sage in order to get R. 
> >> 
> >>   - The main technical reason for installing R into Sage, as opposed 
> >> to just finding a system-wide R install, is to ensure that rpy2 -- the 
> >> C-level bindings to R -- actually work. 
> > 
> > 
> > What would prevent it from working if R is not included in Sage? 
> Since you ask, some of the things I can immediately think of: 
> 1. R isn't installed systemwide (obvious) 
> 2. The version of R that is installed is very old or too new compared 
> to the version of Sage and rpy2 that are installed. 
> 3. The version of R that the user installed doesn't provide a shared 
> object library or dynamic link library (maybe on OS X or Windows?) 
> 4. The user installed R in some local location, and there are shared 
> object libraries there, but Sage's Python knows nothing about this 
> copy of R or its libraries, so rpy2 won't build. 
> That said, I'm also for rpy2 being optional and pip installable, as 
> you propose.  Many of the above problems are best addressed by 
> improving rpy2 and pip, and maybe that's already happened. 

I talked to R people here at GSoC summit, and they say it should not be a 
problem to have rpy2 install correctly on
any platform they support (the libraries rpy2 needs are always bundled, and 
the non-standard location of R is supported too.)


>  -- William 
> > rpy2 is pip-installable. 
> > 
> > Doing "pip install rpy2" on my system python (3.5) gave me a running 
> version 
> > of 
> > rpy2 (talking to system-wide R 3.3.1). 
> > I didn't try with python2, but they say it's supported this way too. 
> > 
> > Just make rpy2 an optional Sage package... 
> > 
> > Dima 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> 
> >>   However, in retrospect, I 
> >> don't think rpy2 is really that great. 
> >> 
> >>    - Python stats have come a *LONG* way in the last 10 years, with 
> >> libraries like Pandas.   Why use rpy2 when you can much more 
> >> effectively use pandas and statsmodels and so on. 
> >> 
> >> In my opinion, it would be way, way better to completely remove R from 
> >> Sage and instead do the following: 
> >> 
> >>    1. Include the R jupyter kernel config files. 
> >> 
> >>    2. Includes the modern Python stats libraries pandas and 
> >> statsmodels in Sage. 
> >> 
> >> Our time would be much better spent supporting 2 than 1.   It's 
> >> ridiculous that we spend no effort on pandas/statsmodels, and all this 
> >> effort on R.  That was a strategy that made sense 10 years ago, but 
> >> not today. 
> >> 
> >> For example, I recall that there are some issues involving pandas + 
> >> statsmodels + the sage preparser.   We could put effort into 
> >> addressing those, like Robert Bradshaw did with numpy (which used to 
> >> be very unhappy with Sage integers, reals, etc.).  Fixing this stuff 
> >> probably wouldn't be hard, and would make Sage a better environment 
> >> for stats.   There may be similar remarks around machine learning, 
> >> where Python has really come into its own recently (e.g., see 
> >> tensorflow). 
> >> 
> >> Anyway, just my two cents.  But if anybody was out there wanting to 
> >> propose something similar, but worried that the person who included R 
> >> in Sage in the first place would be really annoyed -- fear not. 
> >> 
> >>  -- William 
> >> 
> >> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 6:39 AM, Emmanuel Charpentier 
> >> <emanuel.c...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> >> > My thoughts so far : 
> >> > 
> >> > I : Is there really a problem ? 
> >> > ===================== 
> >> > 
> >> > What all the brouhaha around libcurl boils down to is that there 
> *might* 
> >> > be 
> >> > a (pseudo)-legal difficulty in shipping a libcurl liibrary requiring 
> >> > OpenSSL 
> >> > and a GPL-licensed piece of software *in the same package*. This 
> might 
> >> > be a 
> >> > part of the reasons for the R core team to have thrown the towel on 
> this 
> >> > (but probably only patr of the reason : they alo threw the towel on 
> xz 
> >> > an 
> >> > pcre, which do not give the same headache). 
> >> > 
> >> > However, this does not seem to be a problem per se : Debian (one of 
> the 
> >> > most 
> >> > nitpicking distros in terms of licensing)   happily ships libraries 
> and 
> >> > utilities (such as cups, for starter) linked with openssl-linked 
> >> > libcurl. I 
> >> > think that it would be interesting to ask them how they reconcile the 
> >> > (inconsistent) wordings of the licenses involved. 
> >> > 
> >> > According to their answer, we might have an easy way out : hide 
> behind 
> >> > the 
> >> > same legal curtain as Debian (it remains to see what it is...), 
> package 
> >> > libcurl (essentially done) and silently ship it with Sage (it remains 
> to 
> >> > check if other libraries are not more or less silently involved in 
> the 
> >> > support of https: in libcurl, in which case we might have to use them 
> >> > also). 
> >> > This is option : 
> >> > 
> >> > a) Do nothing : 
> >> > -------------------- 
> >> > 
> >> > II ? If there is really a problem, what can we do ? 
> >> > =================================== 
> >> > 
> >> > We might also bite the bullet, modify our licensing terms to add the 
> >> > advertising clause required by openssl's license and ship openly 
> >> > libcurl. 
> >> > Tha requires, it seems, explicit permission of all the people havng 
> >> > contributed to Sage, which might prove a difficult (impossble ?) 
> task. 
> >> > That 
> >> > gives us option : 
> >> > 
> >> > b) Acknowledge libcurl 
> >> > --------------------------------- 
> >> > 
> >> > We can also emulate the R core team, throw the towel and simply add 
> (an 
> >> > https-capable) libcurl to our initial requirements in README.md, 
> >> > possibly 
> >> > other places), leaving the user with the responsibility of installing 
> >> > it. 
> >> > This is option : 
> >> > 
> >> > c) Throw the towel 
> >> > --------------------------- 
> >> > 
> >> > Another possibility in the same vein is to throw the whole linen 
> cabinet 
> >> > : 
> >> > instead of placing on user's shoulders the responsibility of finding 
> >> > libcurl, we might leave it the responsibility of installing R. This 
> is 
> >> > made 
> >> > possible by the fact that R is now largely stable, with 
> well-documented 
> >> > interfaces and few changes, therefore standardizable. A review of 
> *all* 
> >> > the 
> >> > points of exchange between R and other parts of Sage would be 
> necessary 
> >> > to 
> >> > check what is to be supported. As far as I know, R is sparsely used 
> in 
> >> > "the 
> >> > rest of Sage. This is option : 
> >> > 
> >> > d) Excise R kernel 
> >> > --------------------------- 
> >> > 
> >> > At that point, one might wonder if R should remain a standard part of 
> >> > Sage. 
> >> > Dropping the requirement for T and making R interfaces an optional 
> part 
> >> > of 
> >> > Sage might also be a solution. But this is possible if and only if 
> the 
> >> > code 
> >> > review necessary to Sage excision shows no use of R's capabilities in 
> >> > other 
> >> > standard part of Sage. This is option : 
> >> > 
> >> > e) Excise R interfaces 
> >> > -------------------------------- 
> >> > 
> >> > I think that we can forget about creating a network-deprived R : the 
> >> > resulting loss of functionality is so massive that it would become 
> >> > almost 
> >> > useless (to people having a use for R, that is...). I have to add 
> that I 
> >> > would fight such a "solution"... 
> >> > 
> >> > III : Pros and contras 
> >> > ------------------------------ 
> >> > 
> >> > "Throw the towel" is the laziest option : a few lines of not 
> >> > hard-to-write 
> >> > documentation in a few (harder-to-find ?) places. It buys us nothing 
> in 
> >> > terms of functionality. And leaves us with the responsibility of 
> >> > updating R 
> >> > (a not-so-insignificant task) and large sources, libraries and 
> >> > executables. 
> >> > 
> >> > "Do nothing" is (almost but not quite) as lazy: porting libcurl is 
> >> > essentially done ; it remains to check if other libraries are 
> required 
> >> > to 
> >> > build an https:-capable libcurl. No other benefits. 
> >> > 
> >> > "Acknowledge libcurl" seems almost infeasible, due to the necessity 
> to 
> >> > hunt 
> >> > all the past and present Sage contributors. It would be otherwise the 
> >> > cleanest solution in the eyes of legal-oriented people. 
> >> > 
> >> > "Excise R kernel" needs a serious bit of work. But it would have its 
> >> > points 
> >> > : document all the uses of R from other parts of Sage, forcing the 
> >> > documentation of these uses, etc... It would also lighten the 
> >> > maintenance of 
> >> > Sage. However, we would be exposed to brutal loss of functionality 
> >> > if/when R 
> >> > changes without warning. Furthermore, paranoid users (such as me :-) 
> >> > would 
> >> > not have to maintain "system" and "Sage" installations of R (not a 
> small 
> >> > task with litteraly thousands of R packages available...). 
> >> > 
> >> > "Excise R interfaces" is probably easy to do (modulo the code review 
> >> > necessary to excision) ; in my not so humble opinion, it would be a 
> >> > serious 
> >> > loss of interest for me and, more generally, a catastrophic mistake 
> in 
> >> > communication : R has been part of Sage since version 3.0 (2008) (if 
> >> > Wikipedia is to be believed), and it would be the first ever 
> >> > *intentional* 
> >> > loss of functionality of Sage. Furthermore, I am a bit skeptic about 
> R 
> >> > interfaces maintenance if they ever becom an optional part of Sage : 
> >> > even 
> >> > the (Sage) notebook, which is pretty central,  has attracted cruft to 
> >> > the 
> >> > point of becoming unmaintainable... 
> >> > 
> >> > My short-sighted laziness would go to "Throw the towel" ; my 
> long-term 
> >> > laziness would choose "Excise R kernel" (it could be the former now, 
> the 
> >> > latter afterwards). However, notwithstanding its drawbacks, "do 
> nothing" 
> >> > is 
> >> > almost done. 
> >> > 
> >> > What do you think ? 
> >> > 
> >> > -- 
> >> > Emmanuel Charpentier 
> >> > 
> >> > -- 
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> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> William (http://wstein.org) 
> > 
> > -- 
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> -- 
> William (http://wstein.org) 

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