Le mardi 1 novembre 2016 15:03:19 UTC+1, Samuel Lelievre a écrit :
> Fri 2016-10-28 17:03:26 UTC+2, William:
>>    - Python stats have come a *LONG* way in the last 10 years, with 
>> libraries like Pandas.   Why use rpy2 when you can much more 
>> effectively use pandas and statsmodels and so on. 
>> In my opinion, it would be way, way better to completely remove R from 
>> Sage and instead do the following: 
>>    1. Include the R jupyter kernel config files. 
>>    2. Includes the modern Python stats libraries pandas and 
>> statsmodels in Sage. 
>> Our time would be much better spent supporting 2 than 1.   It's 
>> ridiculous that we spend no effort on pandas/statsmodels, and all this 
>> effort on R.  That was a strategy that made sense 10 years ago, but 
>> not today. 
>> For example, I recall that there are some issues involving pandas + 
>> statsmodels + the sage preparser.   We could put effort into 
>> addressing those, like Robert Bradshaw did with numpy (which used to 
>> be very unhappy with Sage integers, reals, etc.).  Fixing this stuff 
>> probably wouldn't be hard, and would make Sage a better environment 
>> for stats.   There may be similar remarks around machine learning, 
>> where Python has really come into its own recently (e.g., see 
>> tensorflow).
> These issues with Sage integers were recently illustrated
> by this Ask Sage question:
> https://ask.sagemath.org/question/35270/sage-vs-python-integers-and-floats-in-pandas-matplotlib-etc/
> If anyone knows how to fix that, it would be very appreciated.

Auto-casting ? That should be solved on Panda's side...

Emmanuel Charpentietr 

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