Hi Jeroen,

On 2017-07-07, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:
> On 2017-07-07 13:24, Simon King wrote:
>> However I was told that the plan to add optional extension modules will not 
>> be supported.
> Who has said this? We do currently have several optional extension 
> modules (in particular, one implementing matrices using meataxe, where 
> you were involved in IIRC).

Sure. The meataxe experience was the reason why I tried optional extension
modules. I don't recall *who* said so, but I was told that optional extension
modules in the Sage source tree should only be used for functionalty that exists
in vanilla Sage and can be used with an optional backend (as in the case of 
Sage does have matrices over finite non-prime fields of odd characteristic, but
meataxe provides an optional backend for them).

Since Sage doesn't do group cohomology by default, and thus according to the
above rationale my group cohomology spkg should stay separate.

> What is true is that we currently do not support optional documentation.

That's not necessarily bad. If the documentation of optional stuff is built
by default, it is more easily available, and thus people are more likely to
become aware of optional functionality.

>> I would need to turn the Cython-code into another separate (pip-installable) 
>> package
> That is not particularly hard and I would be willing to help with any 
> technical packaging problems you have.

Thank you! I have seen that you already commented on the ticket that I opened
a while ago.

Best regards,

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