
Would make sense to come up with topics (we are discussing it right now in this thread). And then, we could set up a date poll for each of them. (Might be what you were suggesting)

For the themtaics, I will be up for

 * Python 3

 * (Random) testing / speed regression

1) the test suite should not be that long (e.g. there are some places with duplicated and long doctest). I would like - the short testsuite to run fast (e.g. "sage -tp --all" running in less than 5 minutes) - have the long testsuite one reasonably fast (i.e. no "long doctest" warning in any circumstance) - introduce a new flag for very long doctest that can not be avoided (e.g. they carefully check a bug that appear only in huge dimensions). These will be run by patchbots only in the rc release cycle.

2) Specify and test the random generators (random_element is now unpredictible).

3) In the flint testsuite they also have specific random generators to test examples (e.g. on polynomials such random generator is likely to return 0 or 1 or x or x^100 + 1). It would make sense to adapt this strategy in Sage. I would actually get rid of the methods `some_elements` and just have a hidden `_random_test_elements()`. I do not see the point of having this method public

* Clean and finish the categorification. That is all the mess that appear in tab completion as soon as you inherit from sage.structure.Element (like base_ring). Also get rid of the last old parent classes.

* And for more mathematical things I am more likely to develop/debug the parts that are related to my research at the time I need them. So I would be happy with some review sessions where people post and review tickets. But nothing dedicated to a specific area.


On 09/09/2017 05:04, David Roe wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'd like to organize some online Sage Days, where people gather on
zulip.sagemath.org and work on Sage together.  The two things to be decided
1. What topics should we focus on?
2. What days/times work for the most people?
Some of these may transition into in-person working groups (the IMA has
funding for small groups to meet there over this coming year to work on

I'll send out a survey for the scheduling part, but I wanted to solicit
suggestions for topics first.  Some ideas:

* Python 3 Compatibility
* Work on documentation tickets, discuss overall documentation structure,
make docbuilding more robust
* Sage Infrastructure (improving the patchbot; common login for trac,
github, google, zulip using OAuth; investigate options for in-line code
* Sage's packaging and build system
* Infrastructure for more random testing, speed regression testing
* Interacts and interactive mathematics
* Comparing Magma and Sage
* Additional interfaces (Macaulay2....)

And on the mathematical side:
* p-adics
* function fields
* linear algebra
* modular forms
* representation theory
* polyhedral geometry
* Coxeter group/root systems and braid groups
* Schubert polynomials

If you'd like me to include other topics in the survey, chime in!

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