Le dimanche 31 mars 2019 12:58:26 UTC+2, Michael Jung a écrit :
> Great! So, the next step is cloning sage to my local repo and connect git 
> to the trac server, right?


> Are there some important things I have to take care of?
Above all, make sure that your code is fully python3 compatible
cf. https://wiki.sagemath.org/Python3-compatible%20code
since SageMath migration to python3 is getting close:

Am Sonntag, 31. März 2019 11:40:01 UTC+2 schrieb Eric Gourgoulhon:
>> Hi,
>> Le samedi 30 mars 2019 19:03:27 UTC+1, MJ a écrit :
>>> My dear developers,
>>> right now, I'm working on my master thesis and my task is to implement 
>>> characteristic classes (of the tangent bdl. of a manifold), such as the 
>>> A-genus, into Sage. The implementation shall be based
>>> upon this 
>>> <https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Prof-Geometrie/Dokumente/Lehre/Lehrmaterialien/charakteristisch.pdf>
>>> piece of work by my supervisor. Briefly, one can compute the classes out of 
>>> the curvature matrix and the corresponding power series.
>>> So far, I've implemented the graded algebra of mixed differential forms 
>>> and the next step will be the matrix framework for the desired classes.
>>> However, it might also be convenient to implement some methods into 
>>> manifolds/differentiable/manifold.py directly.
>>> Is this idea worth a ticket? You wanna see the code I've done so far?
>> Yes sure! Please open a ticket. 
>> (you might find some hints at https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/contrib.html 
>> ).
>> Best wishes,
>> Eric.

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