I started another ticket <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27599>, just for 
my own (and maybe other's?) convenience. It's about the latex name of 
multiplied scalar fields.

Moreover, I've encountered a problem regarding the multiplication of my 
algebra. Suppose A and B are mixed differential forms, a is some 
differential form and f is a differentiable scalar field on M. Then, I get 
the following results:

sage: A.__mul__(B)

Mixed differential form A/\B on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: f.__mul__(A)
Mixed differential form f/\A on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: A.__mul__(a)
Mixed differential form A/\a on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: a.__mul__(A)
Mixed differential form A/\a on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M

All fine, except the very last line. The coercions are working quite well 
so far - without any errors. Yet, what might explain the very different 
results? Can you give me a first hint, though not seeing the code?


Am Montag, 1. April 2019 00:53:06 UTC+2 schrieb Michael Jung:
> Thanks for your interest! :) I started the ticket 
> <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27584> right away (to be honest, it 
> took some effort as newbie).
> I already finished the code, yet the first push will take some time. I 
> need to create the doctests, first. Unless you say it's not necessary for 
> now.
> I'm looking forward to this project - hopefully I do not start banging my 
> head on the desk during this process, like you guys do. :D
> Regards,
> Michael 
> P.S. Yeah, I changed my name a couple of times, But I'm a devel virgin. 
> However, this one is fixed now.
> Am Montag, 1. April 2019 00:33:03 UTC+2 schrieb Travis Scrimshaw:
>> Dear MJ,
>>    Also if you plan on including your code in Sage (which it sounds like 
>> you are, +1!), it would be a good idea to break the code into smaller 
>> pieces to help facilitate and easier review. For example, the algebra 
>> itself can be one ticket. Feel free to also cc me (by using tscrim) on the 
>> tickets.
>> Best,
>> Travis
>> On Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 4:03:27 AM UTC+10, Michael Jung wrote:
>>> My dear developers,
>>> right now, I'm working on my master thesis and my task is to implement 
>>> characteristic classes (of the tangent bdl. of a manifold), such as the 
>>> A-genus, into Sage. The implementation shall be based
>>> upon this 
>>> <https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Prof-Geometrie/Dokumente/Lehre/Lehrmaterialien/charakteristisch.pdf>
>>> piece of work by my supervisor. Briefly, one can compute the classes out of 
>>> the curvature matrix and the corresponding power series.
>>> So far, I've implemented the graded algebra of mixed differential forms 
>>> and the next step will be the matrix framework for the desired classes.
>>> However, it might also be convenient to implement some methods into 
>>> manifolds/differentiable/manifold.py directly.
>>> Is this idea worth a ticket? You wanna see the code I've done so far?
>>> Cheers,
>>> YoungMath

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