On Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 9:01:42 AM UTC-8, Frédéric Chapoton wrote:
> So here is my proposal.
> * Starting from now, we allow ourselves to move on, using 9.1 betas and 
> further releases for external python3 updates, including switch to 
> ipython7, which seems to me the most urgent matter. But we also do not 
> introduce python3-only code in our own code base if we can avoid it.
I think for development and stability, we should take heed of the fact that 
trac has some recent tickets addressing issues with py3 that are only being 
uncovered now. The reality is that prior to 9.0, sage/py3 got only very 
limited testing outside doctests and developers working on it. Doctests by 
no means cover the full functionality of sage, and I would expect that in 
the next few months a lot more issues will be found. I'd be a little 
hesitant dropping py2 support under those conditions: being able to drop 
back on py2 in these situations for a while seems like a decent mitigation 
strategy, and would probably help with debugging.

I think similar thinking led to the original proposed and published 
strategy on the wiki, and it still makes sense. In practice, sage/py3 is 
not really a proven product yet; just because people won't start really 
using it until there's actually an official release with it.

 I appreciate the good intentions of "not introducing py3-only code in our 
own code-base if we can avoid it", but how much does that help? If there's 
one such change in a file that gets loaded into sage upon start-up, or 
which needs to be parsed during build, the possibility of running sage on 
py2 is gone, isn't it?

I agree it's perhaps frustrating that the process of moving sage from py2 
to py3 hasn't completed with py2 falling out of support, but having a first 
official release based on py3, while being the biggest step (and a big 
applause for everybody who contributed to this herculean task!) is 
unfortunately not the completion. The bug reporting and fixing that follows 
it shouldn't just be ignored.

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