My function clearly stated magicsquare_normal_odd by being called that
so its fine and I would just call yours that too. In the docstring I
would say "computes nth odd normal magic square". This function is for
a special case of normal magic squares.

On 2/4/07, Alec Mihailovs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh ok then in the code you should write n = 2*n-1 which means if n is
> > 2 then 3 will be used.
> That's not the right way - the argument of the function should be the size
> of the square. If you want to avoid the case of even sizes, that could be
> done by testing the parity - something like
> if n%2==0: print "The argument should be odd"; return
> Alec
> >

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