If there is still interest in magic squares, I've uploaded magic_square 
package to the CheeseShop today,


It can be installed using SAGE's python - untar the source somewhere, cd 
there and do

sage-python setup.py install

After that it runs quite fast in SAGE,

sage: from magic_square import *
sage: time a=magic(1000)
CPU times: user 0.02 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.02 s
Wall time: 0.02
sage: time a=magic(1001)
CPU times: user 0.02 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 0.03 s
Wall time: 0.03
sage: time a=magic(1002)
CPU times: user 0.03 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.03 s
Wall time: 0.03
sage: time ismagic(a)
CPU times: user 0.02 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.02 s
Wall time: 0.02


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