On Saturday 26 January 2008, dpvc wrote:
> > I find the warning messages that appear at the top of the notebook saying
> > that JsMath isn't available annoying.
> If you look carefully, it says the jsMath TeX fonts aren't found, not
> that jsMath isn't found (in fact, it is jsMath that issuing the
> message, so clearly that was found).
> > I find it especially annoying when I try to print something - I get a big
> > red box at the top of my output saying:
> >
> > To print higher resolution math symbols, click the
> > Hi_Res Fonts for Printing button on thejsMathcontrol panel.
> If you would install the jsMath TeX fonts, that would go away.
> > What control panel?
> The small jsMath button at the bottom right of the screen links to the
> control panel.  Also, the initial jsMath font warning page that you
> get when you first view the notebook has two buttons on it:  one to
> hide the message and one to open the jsMath control panel.  If you
> don't like to see the message, you can push the hide button and it
> will go away (no more work than if you were receive an alert
> message).  If you don't know how to get the jsMath control panel, you
> can get it from that message.  You can also get it by ALT-clicking on
> any typeset mathematics.
> > If you have to issue a warning, it should be on the 'print' window,
> > before you commit to paper. Having seen the message, if you go ahead, it
> > should not appear on the paper!
> If sage constructs a special version of the page for printing purposes
> (I don't use sage myself, so I'm unfamiliar with its workings), then
> it would be possible for that page to load the higher-resolution fonts
> automatically (via the insertion of a line similar to the one William
> listed for turning off the main font warning).  Otherwise, if you are
> just printing the page out of the browser, there is no way to jsMath
> to know if you are planning to print such a page, and so it  puts it
> in the only place that makes sense, the printed version, which will be
> showing the poor quality output and where it is likely to do you some
> good.  Putting it on every page you view would be considered by some
> users as "annoying".
> The jsMath panel allows you to control the printing of these messages,
> so the user has the option of turning them off himself.  You can also
> configure jsMath not to display the print warnings in a similar
> fashion to William's message about the main font warnings.  You can
> also change the CSS styles for the message to make them less
> obtrusive, or replace the content of the message by your own wording.
> Finally, you can override jsMath's function for issuing the message
> and so make it appear anywhere or in any form you want.  These
> possibilities are documented at
>     http://www.math.union.edu/locate/jsMath/authors/warnings.html
> so the sage project could set up the messages in a different way if it
> wants to.
> Davide
Davide, see my earlier message to William.
Apologies for my confusion. There's a lot of stuff for my poor aged
brain to absorb and I hadn't read your web pages properly...  :-)

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
|  http://bil.members.beeb.net          |

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