ok, I've tried out the instructions.

[1] On the desktop, the binary file downloaded and expanded ok, but I
get (different from before) error messages when I run ./sage
[screenful reproduced below].

[2] On the laptop, there is no longer enough room even to expand the
binary file, because of the 400MB debris left by the failed attempt to
compile from source.  If I could only know what it has installed on to
the disk, I would like to remove it.  (The failed compile attempt was
made in a branch directory off 'home'.  The total extra disk
utilization after the compile attempt was about 800 MB more than at
the start.  About 400MB of that was in the subdirectory where the
compile was done.  I've now deleted that.  But there remains an extra
400MB somewhere unidentified.  Any ideas on where to look would be


[1a] Here are the error messages from trying to use the unpacked
binary.  (At first run, there were some initial messages, reporting an
attempt to relocate some (? .py and .tpo ?) files.  The screen
reproduced below is from
a subsequent attempt to run ./sage .)  The linux setup already
includes the package 'libstdc++6-4.1.2-1mdv2007.1.i586' among others.
Any help would be appreciated.  Terry

begin quote==========
| SAGE Version 2.11, Release Date: 2008-03-30                        |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>           Traceback (most recent call

/home/ts/sg/sage-2.11-debian32-athlon-i686-Linux/local/bin/<string> in

site-packages/sage/misc/preparser_ipython.py in <module>()
 [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
      7  [1;33m [0m [0m
----> 8  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37msage [0m [1;33m.
[0m [1;37mmisc [0m [1;33m. [0m [1;37minterpreter [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
      9  [1;33m [0m [0m
     10  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mpreparser [0m [1;33m [0m [0m

site-packages/sage/misc/interpreter.py in <module>()
    102  [1;33m [0m [0m
    103  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mos [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
--> 104  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mlog [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
    105  [1;33m [0m [0m
    106  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mremote_file [0m [1;33m [0m [0m

site-packages/sage/misc/log.py in <module>()
     56  [1;33m [0m [0m
     57  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37minterpreter [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
---> 58  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mlatex [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
     59  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mmisc [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
     60  [1;33m [0m [0m

site-packages/sage/misc/latex.py in <module>()
     41  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37mrandom [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
     42  [1;33m [0m [0m
---> 43  [1;32mfrom [0m  [1;37mmisc [0m  [1;32mimport [0m
 [1;37mtmp_dir [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
     44  [1;32mimport [0m  [1;37msage_eval [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
     45  [1;33m [0m [0m

site-packages/sage/misc/misc.py in <module>()
    362      [1;32mreturn [0m  [1;36m0 [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
    363  [1;33m [0m [0m
--> 364  [1;32mfrom [0m  [1;37msage [0m [1;33m.
[0m [1;37mmisc [0m [1;33m. [0m [1;37mmisc_c [0m  [1;32mimport [0m
 [1;37mprod [0m [1;33m, [0m  [1;37mrunning_total [0m [1;33m [0m [0m
    365  [1;33m [0m [0m
    366  [1;31m# alternative name for prod [0m [1;33m [0m [0m

<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version
`GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /home/ts/sg/sage-2.11-debian32-
WARNING: Failure executing code: 'import sage.misc.preparser_ipython;
<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>           Traceback (most recent call

console> in <module>()

site-packages/sage/misc/misc.py in <module>()
    362     return 0
--> 364 from sage.misc.misc_c import prod, running_total
    366 # alternative name for prod

<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version
`GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /home/ts/sg/sage-2.11-debian32-
<ERROR: name 'sage_prompt' is not defined>

end of quote ====

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