I have an asus eee sitting around... I put eeexbuntu on it so its not
running the original os (btw, I recommend this... but there must be

I could easily nail it up to the net so you could ssh into it which
supports using vnc to view the screen though most of what you'd need
would probably "just work" over ssh (with the right ports forwarded). 

Its also running openvpn... so if you wanted to go whole hog... but ssh
gets you most of the way.

links I had in a tomboy note:




actually at:


and here's the ubuntu docs on it:


Let me know.


On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 13:01 -0700, mabshoff wrote:
> On May 9, 9:27 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi David,
> > It turns out that next year it is very possible that all USNA freshamn will 
> > have
> > an asus eee. The debate seems to be about the amount of ram it should have.
> > I can borrow one next week. It has xandros linux 500M ram, 2G "hard
> > drive", wireless but
> > no cd or dvd drive. I think I can also borrow a 8G SD card.  It comes with
> > konqueror but not firefox and a very limited (to put it mildly) set of
> > development tools.
> Compiling Sage on another box and then providing a eee specific binary
> shouldn't be much trouble. We can strip down Sage to about 0.5GB
> installed, but then you can no longer develop with it. Aside from that
> konqueror is going to be a problem since there are currently known
> issues with 3.0+ IIRC.
> > Any suggestions as to how to get SAGE running on it? Ideally, if and
> > when this becomes
> > definite, I'd like a very simple set of instructions so that a
> > freshman can download a file and
> > make their own SD card with SAGE on it.
> I don't think it will be much of a problem. If there is hardware
> around at dev1 I can certainly spend a day on the problem to get a
> minimal setup going that works on the eee. malb has already done some
> work there, so I expect little trouble.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> > 
Glenn H. Tarbox, PhD    | Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your 
206-494-0819            | are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (gtalk) + ghtdak on aim/freenode     | ^ Howard Aiken, IBM 

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