On May 9, 10:35 pm, "Glenn H Tarbox, PhD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Glen,

> I have an asus eee sitting around... I put eeexbuntu on it so its not
> running the original os (btw, I recommend this... but there must be
> downsides)

I wouldn't stick with Xandros either ;)

> I could easily nail it up to the net so you could ssh into it which
> supports using vnc to view the screen though most of what you'd need
> would probably "just work" over ssh (with the right ports forwarded).

Sounds like fun. I would certainly take a shell account :). I poked
around and according to


the 4G model comes with a "900 MHz Intel Celeron M ULV 353 @ 630 MHz".
I would be curious about the output from /proc/cpuinfo. If we have
SSE2 I see no reason not to run the Xeon binaries. The tuning would
likely suck, but I don't expect most people to do anything I would
consider a serious computation on it.

If I build Sage on that box I would be slightly concerned about ATLAS,
but I can tune it once [in a day or so] and then stick the tuning info
back into out spkg and also push it upstream.

> Its also running openvpn... so if you wanted to go whole hog... but ssh
> gets you most of the way.


> links I had in a tomboy note:
> http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu:eeexubuntu:home
> ------------------------------
> http://ubuntucare.com/2007/12/11/ubuntu-on-the-asus-eee-pc-part-1/
> actually at:
> http://www.sampletheweb.com/2007/12/09/ubuntu-on-the-asus-eee-pc-part...
> and here's the ubuntu docs on it:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC
> Let me know.

Cool. If you give me a shell please make sure that box is actively
cooled before I build Sage. Otherwise I wouldn't be surprised if the
life expectancy of that piece of hardware goes down rapidly. I
actually just got access to a couple Sun boxen, so I am neck deep in
the Solaris port of Sage again and on the way to beat all dependencies
on gmake in Sage out of the code base :)

> -glenn


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