On Nov 20, 2008, at 1:54 AM, Stan Schymanski wrote:

> Thanks a lot for that, Robert!

See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4572 Do you want to  
review it?

> Is the ultimate "fix" the one that will
> use pynac instead of maxima? I can't wait for this one.

Yep, though we won't be replacing all of maxima's functionality any  
time soon.

> All the best,
> Stan
> On Nov 19, 6:46 pm, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On Nov 18, 2008, at 11:18 PM, Stan Schymanski wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Will the fix of the interaction with Maxima allow conservation of
>>> precision of arguments passed through Maxima? This would satisfy my
>>> needs.
>> Actually, the "fix" is avoiding Maxima for everything symbolic.
>>> Depending on how long this is going to take, I would like Mike's
>>> interim fix to be implemented. It doesn't make anything worse  
>>> compared
>>> with the current state, as currently latexification gives a false
>>> sense
>>> of precision, anyway. This does certainly not fit my definition of
>>> usefulness. We would just have to make sure that the interim fix is
>>> removed again when the maxima interaction is fixed.
>> The problem with Mike's fix is that it affects *all* real numbers,
>> not just ones in Maxima expressions. I would be OK with a fix that
>> just impacts symbolic object's latex (and even string)
>> representation. I'll implement this and see if it gets a positive
>> review.
>> - Robert
>>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>>> On Nov 18, 2008, at 5:57 AM, Stan Schymanski wrote:
>>>>> Ah, I see:
>>>>> dummy1 = RealField(8)(0.1);dummy1
>>>>> 0.10
>>>>> dummy2 = RealField(16)(0.1);dummy2
>>>>> 0.1000
>>>>> latex(x*dummy1)
>>>>> {0.1001 x}
>>>>> latex(x*dummy2)
>>>>> {0.1 x}
>>>>> This is not quite what one would expect. However, the behaviour
>>>>> before
>>>>> the fix was not much better in my opinion, as the precision was  
>>>>> not
>>>>> obvious from the latex output, either:
>>>>> sage: dummy1 = RealField(8)(0.1);dummy1
>>>>> 0.10
>>>>> sage: dummy2 = RealField(16)(0.1);dummy2
>>>>> 0.1000
>>>>> sage: latex(x*dummy1)
>>>>> {0.100100000000000 x}
>>>>> sage: latex(x*dummy2)
>>>>> {0.100000000000000 x}
>>>>> Obviously, the fix does not fix all the problems, but it does make
>>>>> latex output much more useful. Would you agree?
>>>> That depends on your definition of useful. Personally, I think it's
>>>> useful to see how many digits of precision a given number has, and
>>>> for most things it works fine.
>>>> The issue here is the interaction with Maxima, which is being  
>>>> fixed.
>>>> Making it so any latexification of all real numbers is truncated is
>>>> (IMHO) not the right fix because one component abuses precisions.
>>>> - Robert
> >

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