On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:50 AM, achrzesz <achrz...@wp.pl> wrote:
> Hallo,
> I'm wondering what goes  wrong with tis:
> (sage 3.2 compiled from sources, ubuntu 8.04, quad core 2.4 GHz)
> sage: for k in range(14,21):
> ....:     f=2^2^k+1;w=ecm.find_factor(f);[w[0],prod(w)==f]
> ....:
> [2, False]
> [523923, False]
> [1901173, False]
> [2, False]
> [2, False]
> [30539, False]
> [2, False]
> Are the exponents to big?
> Andrzej Chrzeszczyk

Yes, I think there must be a hard limit on the input line for GMP-ECM.
   If I try the first number directly on the command line, it says
"Factor found in step 1: 2".  However the first number is *odd*, so 2
can't be a factor!
What's really happening is that GMP-ECM is ignoring everything after
the first 4095 digits when I paste the input in.

ecm 10000000 100000
GMP-ECM 6.1.3 [powered by GMP 4.2.1] [ECM]
hear bings as all further digits are ignored]]
Input number has 4095 digits
********** Factor found in step 1: 2
Found probable prime factor of  1 digits: 2
Composite cofactor
has 4094 digits

However, note that

sage: len(str(f))

Paul -- does GMP-ECM have a by-design hard limit of 4095 digits?   If
so, then we have to give an error message from Sage immediately (raise
a ValueError).  If not, how do we get around the command line 4095
digit limit?

Note to self -- the function find_factor in Sage absolutely should
have had a built-in consistency check that everything found was really
a factor.  It can't hurt to do that, and may have caught problems like
this earlier.

This is now


 -- William

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