The old fashioned gmp-ecm interface:

sage: ecm.find_factor(2^2^7+1)
[59649589127497217, 5704689200685129054721]
sage: ecm.get_last_params()
{'B1': '19929', 'B2': '3804582', 'poly': 'x^1', 'sigma': '1643647236'}

the proposed, new one:
sage: import sage.libs.libecm
sage: from sage.libs.libecm import ecmfactor
sage: ecmfactor(Integer(2^2^7+1),19929,verbose=True)
Performing one curve with B1=19929
Found no factor.
(False, None)

How can I obtain the old functionality?
On 16 Gru, 19:49, "John Cremona" <> wrote:
> 2008/12/16 Robert Bradshaw <>:
> > On Dec 16, 2008, at 7:47 AM, mabshoff wrote:
> >> On Dec 16, 7:44 am, "William Stein" <> wrote:
> >> <SNIP>
> >>> I posted a patch there that does some error checking at least.  It's
> >>> minimal.  I hope somebody will referee it asap so it can go in
> >>> sage-3.2.2.
> >>> The real longterm solution to this problem is to totally rewrite the
> >>> GMP interface so that it uses Cython and doesn't use expect at all.
> >>> That's for another ticket.
> >> Thanks to Robert Miller that is already in Sage:
> >>     sage: import sage.libs.libecm
> >>     sage: from sage.libs.libecm import ecmfactor
> >>     sage: result = ecmfactor(999, 0.00)
> >>     sage: result in [(True, 27), (True, 37), (True, 999)]
> >>     True
> >>     sage: result = ecmfactor(999, 0.00, verbose=True)
> >>     Performing one curve with B1=0
> >>     Found factor in step 1: ...
> >>     sage: result in [(True, 27), (True, 37), (True, 999)]
> >>     True
> > Is there any reason we're still shipping the old interface?
> Lack of documentation?
> sage: import sage.libs.libecm
> sage: from sage.libs.libecm import ecmfactor
> sage: ecmfactor?
> Type:           builtin_function_or_method
> Base Class:     <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
> String Form:    <built-in function ecmfactor>
> Namespace:      Interactive
> sage: ecmfactor(100)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/john/.mozilla/firefox/t7csk8yc.default/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /home/john/sage-3.2.2.alpha1/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/libs/
> in sage.libs.libecm.ecmfactor (sage/libs/libecm.c:1485)()
> TypeError: ecmfactor() takes at least 2 positional arguments (1 given)
> John
> > - Robert
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