kcrisman wrote:
>>> After using the sage notebook for a few days with TinyMCE I got the 
>>> impression
>>> that the Sage notebook is almost pointless without it :-).
> Yes.
>> Yeah, it is one of those features where once you have it you cannot
>> understand why we ever though we didn't need it, so a big giant thanks
>> to Jason for making this happen.
> Yes!

And an even bigger thanks to the TinyMCE guys.  They did all the hard work.

Seriously, that's the edge that we have over other (commercial) systems. 
  We can leverage community work, like jmol, tinymce, numpy, etc., to 
grow by leaps and bounds while we are still small.  I'm really glad that 
the Sage leadership realizes this and actively seeks to work with other 
software projects.

>> I am glad that
>> good ideas I would have not even considered worthy a second look make
>> it from ideas to actual implementation quickly and without the need to
>> fight political battles.
> Yes.
> And what better way to celebrate that than with a call to sage-support
> with two new reproducible bugs!
> 1. Backspacing when there is one character left in the TinyMCE cell
> gets you out of it completely, and you have to click back in the
> cell.  Tabbing doesn't help.  Backspacing twice apparently acts like
> backwards browser navigation, at least in Safari.  (Perhaps a side
> effect of Shift-Enter closing cell?)  This didn't happen on
> sagenb.org, which is 3.3.alpha3.

This doesn't happen on my 3.3.alpha3 either (firefox 3, ubuntu).

> 2. Open a TinyMCE cell.  Try any math expression ending in <b$ - for
> instance, $a<b$, a common one.  Put some text afterwards, and format
> it bold.  E.g., "I like the inequality $a<b$ because it's easy" and
> then make 'because' bold.  Save this, and click the Edit button.
> Save.  Note that <b$ has disappeared, becoming some variant on the old-
> school <b> tag.  This persists throughout the whole page until there
> is a > sign, and if you do enough things like this TinyMCE and/or the
> browser gets confused and replaces everything with the <em> tag.
> (This ate a significant chunk of my lecture notes on Friday ten
> minutes before class.)  I think it might also happen with <x$ for
> other symbols x, but this is the only one I could easily reproduce.
> This *does* occur on sagenb.org.

I've posted a patch to #4245 which solves this issue.  This patch needs 
to be reviewed.  I've marked it critical, but it probably ought to be 
marked blocker if it threw away stuff on you.  It's a simple one-line fix.



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