On 21 Apr 2009, at 11:38, Jason Grout wrote:

> dpvc wrote:
>> OK, from the testing that I've done, it looks like this is, indeed,
>> the problem, and you won't have to do the testing that I suggested.
>> It turns out that this problem was fixed in version 3.6b of jsMath,
>> and you are running 3.6a, so if you download the latest version of
>> jsMath and replace the copy at javascript_local/jsmath on your site,
>> it should take care of the problem.  When you unpack the new jsMath,
>> move the fonts folder from the old one to the new one before  
>> replacing
>> the old copy, or you will loss the image fonts that you have
>> installed.
>> You can get the new jsMath from
>>    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=172663
>> Hope that clears up your problem.
> Alternatively, you could install the updated spkg that will be in the
> next release of Sage.  You can find it at:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/jason/jsmath-3.6b.p1.spkg

Installing jsMath 3.6b solved my jsMath issues with IE + my server.   
Math is now nicely rendered.  Thanks to everyone for their patience  
and assistance.

I did note one small rendering issue in one case on IE.  I'll start a  
separate thread for it.

Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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