OK, thanks for the detailed description of what is happening.  Now
this makes me think that this IS a jsMath bug, and not an improper
image font installation.  If the image fonts are working in Firefox,
then they are installed properly.

The error you are getting about jsMath thinking that you are trying to
load jsMath from a different server is the key, here.  It is not able
to load ANY of its extra files (including things like the control
panel, and IS-specific customization files) because jsMath is confused
about where it was loaded from.  What I suspect is the problem is that
the port number is confusing jsMath in IE.  Every browser except IE
"normalizes" URL's so that they include the protocol, host, port
number, etc, so when jsMath looks to see where it was loaded from so
that it can load additional files, that information is all right
there.  But in IE, the URL is left as it is originally in the HTML
file, so jsMath must reconstruct it itself.  It looks like it is
leaving out the port number, and so jsMath is looking for its
components in the wrong place, and so not finding them.

As an experiment, if you could insert the lines

      jsMath.Autoload = {root: ""}

to the font test HTML file just before the script tag where jsMath.js
is loaded, and then see if that makes it work in IE7, that would tell
us if this is really the problem.

In the meanwhile, I will work on that part of the jsMath code and get
it to include the port number.


On Apr 20, 11:15 am, Kevin Horton <khorto...@rogers.com> wrote:
> On 20 Apr 2009, at 10:16, Jason Grout wrote:
> > dpvc wrote:
> >>> By works correctly, I mean that Firefox displays the nicely rendered
> >>> equations, while IE only displays raw latex code.
> >> OK, thanks for the clarification.  I had misunderstood.  In Firefox,
> >> can you click on the "jsMath" button in the lower right and tell me
> >> what font mode is reported next to the jsMath version number?
> >>> For some reason, the fall back to image fonts is not working for me,
> >>> using my sage server on OS X, and viewing the worksheet on a PC
> >>> running IE7.  I don't know if there is a problem with the image font
> >>> installation in sage, a jsMath problem, or an IE problem.  But, as
> >>> long as Firefox will work, I am happy, and feel no need to spend  
> >>> more
> >>> time on this issue.  But, if you think there could be a jsMath bug
> >>> that you want to investigate, I would be happy to help out.
> >> I suspect it is probably an installation problem with the image
> >> fonts.  In any case, I'm happy not to spend any more time on it
> >> myself.
> > If an installation problem is the conclusion, then I'd like to spend  
> > at
> > least a bit more of my time on it, as it would clearly be a Sage  
> > problem
> > then.  It seems funny to me that it would work in one browser, but not
> > another.
> > I think Davide's suggestion above (look at the font mode and jsmath
> > version number for both IE and Firefox) might help pinpoint the  
> > problem.
> > Do you see the same problem with sagenb.org?  That server has the  
> > image
> > fonts installed as well.
> When I attempt to load a worksheet from my server with IE7, I get a  
> dialog "In order for jsMath to be able to load the additional  
> components that it may need, the jsMath.js file must be loaded from a  
> server in the same domain as the page that contains it.  Because that  
> is not the case for this page, the mathematics displayed here may not  
> appear correctly."  When I view worksheets in IE, I see raw latex  
> where I should see rendered latex.
> In IE, nothing happens when I click on the jsMath button at the bottom  
> right - i.e. I cannot open the jsMath control panel. Also note that  
> the jsMath button is only seen when I scroll all the way to the end of  
> the worksheet, unlike with other browsers where it is always visible  
> at the bottom right of the screen.  I assume IE is not properly  
> rendering this element.
> In Firefox, no jsMath font dialogs appear, and the latex code is  
> rendered.  The font mode is shown as "Image symbol fonts", and the  
> jsMath version is 3.6a.
> At sabenb.org, I get no jsMath font warnings in IE.  Initially, I see  
> raw latex, but eventually it is replaced with properly rendered  
> latex.  The control panel shows the font mode as "Image symbol fonts".
> I viewed my server again in IE, and had the same problems that I  
> reported above.
> I conclude that I have a problem with the image font installation on  
> my server.  But I have no idea how to troubleshoot it.
> For info, my public worksheets are athttps://
> --
> Kevin Horton
> Ottawa, Canada
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