On 12 Jun., 08:55, paramaniac <luka...@student.ethz.ch> wrote:
> After 9 hours of hard work, my brave PowerBook G4 800MHz 1GB managed

Well, imagine how hard my brave PowerBook G4 550 MHz 768MB has to
work ... and it did build all the Sage OS X 10.4 PPC G4 versions from
3.4 on. This also explains why these builds are usually a bit "behind"
the others.

> to compile Sage 4.0.1 :-) The result can be found 
> here:http://n.ethz.ch/student/lukasre/download/
> The process was much easier than I thought. Interestingly, Sage became

Hey, thanks for the effort! Sage is a community project, after all!

> much bigger (1.5GB) and 680MB compressed.

Normally, in a "bdist" all the .../spkg/standard/*.spkg files are
replaced by placeholder files, to save space.

> Now I have a question for the next release of Sage:
> Are there any specific "export" commands to optimize the build for a
> ppc7450 machine?

Not that I knew of --- Atlas, gmp-mpir, and some other packages seem
however to recognize the CPU quite good, and optimize accordingly.
IIRC, there once was an isue with a Sage PPC version built on a Mac
with a PPC G5 CPU, and the optimizations performed prevented Sage to
run on G3/G4 Macs.

> Regards,
> Lukas

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